Old Zoom App Is Losing Support On These Devices: What It Means
Old Zoom App Is Losing Support On These Devices: What It Means
The old Zoom app for Chromebooks has been replaced with the new PWA version that is more secure and offers better features for the users.

Zoom became a sensation during the pandemic when the demand for virtual meetings was at its highest, and the company grew exponentially in a short time. But now as the world opens up, Zoom is slowly moving into a more confined space, closing down support for platforms that were a necessity a short while back.

Zoom app on Chromebooks is the first casualty of this change, and from August 2022, the app will no longer work on this Google-centric notebook that runs on the ChromeOS platform. But you really don’t have to worry about this app becoming incompatible on Chromebooks. The old Zoom app was nothing but based on Chrome, which was effectively being phased out by the company for a new and improved version.

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The old app was neither secure and even lost support for updates that made it easy to bypass to breach any system. Google clearly wants to avoid such mishaps in the near future, hence shutting down this old app is the best way forward.

Now, for Chromebook users, Zoom has its Progressive Web App (PWA) which made its debut last year. It is at par with the macOS and Windows version of Zoom, with the new improved user interface and offers innovative features like background blur on the video calls.

The new version had its own problems and bug issues initially, and many users complained about them as well, but the company has managed to fix them and make it a useful tool.

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Zoom is alerting users to make the switch from the old app to the new PWA version on Chromebook, and we suggest you make the transition quickly so that you can easily acclimatise to the new version and use its features regularly.

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