How To
An In-Depth Guide to “Lord of the Flies” Chapter 1
William Golding’s ‘‘Lord of the Flies’’ has earned the top spot on many high school reading lists. The classic tale revolves around a group of English schoolboys whose airplane crash lands on a deserted island, leaving them to fend for themselves. But how...
The Top 18 Creepiest Insects from Around the World
Looking for some nightmare fuel? Wondering if that gnarly bug you ran into cracks the top of the list? We’ve done the (very unfun) research required to find the gnarliest insects on the planet. Here, you’ll find the spookiest, craziest, and most evil bugs...
How to Recycle a Mac
Like all gadgets, Apple Mac computers have a limited lifespan. As they age, Macs can suffer from various age-related issues that affect their performance and effectiveness. It's important to safely and effectively dispose of your computer when you're done...
Try These 12 Easy Ways to Fix Video Scheduler Internal Error
Are you getting a blue screen that says "Video Scheduler Internal Error"? This is a frustrating error, especially because the error code doesn't explain much about what's causing the crash. This error is usually caused by your GPU and/or GPU drivers, thou...
160+ Sweet Good Morning Texts to Send to Friends
Friends are the best part of life—so of course you want to ensure your best buds start off their day feeling happy, positive, and supported! A good morning text is the perfect way to show your friends how much you value their presence in their life. In th...
How to Write a Recommendation Letter for a Colleague
If a coworker or colleague just asked you to write them a reference letter, you’re probably wondering where to begin. Whether they’re applying for a new position or an academic program, we’ll give you simple step-by-step instructions for writing a referen...
90+ Good Night Blessings: Beautiful, Powerful, & Inspirational Messages
Sending your loved ones a “good night” blessing is a great way to end their evening on a positive note, wish them sweet dreams, and remind them that God is by their side. If you’re searching for the perfect message for your partner, family members, or fri...
How to Spawn the Kitsune Shrine & Finish the Shrine Event
The Kitsune Shrine is located on Kitsune Island, and it's one of the Sea Events that occurs in Sea Danger Level 6. Once you're inside the Shrine, you can complete the Shrine Event to get rare and unique items, including the legendary Kitsune Fruit. In thi...
Hamlet’s Motifs, Quotes, Themes & Symbols
Hamlet is one of William Shakespeare’s most notable works, and it’s chock-full of literary devices that explore the nuances of the play’s themes and plot. But, between the complexity of Shakespeare’s story-telling elements and the Early Modern English tex...
60+ Wedding Card Wishes for a Niece & How to Write the Perfect Message
Gifting someone a card to celebrate their wedding is a popular tradition. If you're wondering what to write in a wedding card for your niece, we’re here to help! Writer’s block can hit anyone, especially when you’re trying to think of the perfect thing to...
Orbs in Photos: What They Are & What They Mean
Have you noticed glowing round orbs appearing in photos, but they weren’t there when you took the picture? While there are some natural explanations for why orbs appear in pictures, some people believe that they’re spirits visiting the human world. Keep r...
What to Wear to a Sauna: An Etiquette Guide for First-Timers
Relaxing in the sauna sounds amazing…until you realize you’re not sure what to wear! Is a swimsuit OK? Do you have to be totally nude? We’ve got all the answers you need. In this article, we’ll explain what’s most comfortable and hygienic to wear for men...
50+ Polite & Creative Ways to Compliment Good Food
When you enjoy a meal that someone else prepared, why not compliment it? A few kind words can go a long way when you’re dining at a friend or family member’s house, letting them know you appreciate their hospitality. At a restaurant, praising the food is...
What’s the Value of Your Old Singer Sewing Machine?
When it comes to old Singer sewing machines, the value fluctuates based on factors like age, condition, model, and more. Determining the value of your old Singer machine has never been easier, especially with this guide. In this article, we explain how to...
Muslim Revert vs Convert: What's the Difference?
In Islam, the act of joining the faith after being in another religion is sometimes called “reverting.” Many Muslims prefer this term rather than “converting” because it helps them develop a strong connection to their faith, but others don’t like the term...
What Is A Double Curve? A Guide to the Kibbe Accommodation
Of all the accommodations in the Kibbe body type system, double curve is the rarest—to the point that many people don’t know what it is. Double curve means your silhouette has pronounced roundness on top and bottom. Only a few Kibbe body types have the do...