Congress Distances Itself From Aiyar-Mirwaiz Meeting
Congress Distances Itself From Aiyar-Mirwaiz Meeting
The Congress on Thursday distanced itself from its leader Mani Shankar Aiyar's meeting with Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, saying it never recognised those who are "unelectable and unrepresentative".

New Delhi: The Congress on Thursday distanced itself from its leader Mani Shankar Aiyar's meeting with Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, saying it never recognised those who are "unelectable and unrepresentative".

It also accused the prime minister of not coming out with a clear policy on Kashmir and asked if the government had any roadmap for dialogue to restore peace in the Valley.

The truth must come out as to what the government is proposing to do, he said, adding that the Centre has been "opaque" on the issue.

Seeking to evade questions on Aiyar-Mirwaiz meeting, which he called an action by an "individual", Sharma said, "There are enough leaders of BJP who are meeting separatists and the prime minister is silent."

He was referring to the efforts of former Union Minister and BJP leader Yashwant Sinha to initiate dialogue in Kashmir.

"We believe that BJP has displayed naked political opportunism to form a coalition government in the state of Jammu and Kashmir which has not performed and is unable to handle the situation and this is a matter of national concern," he said.

The Congress leader said an individal's viewpoint may be different from that of the Congress party's view.

"I cannot comment on individual citizen's actions. We are commenting about the government of the day, as to how they are engaging and do they have a roadmap for dialogue," he said on Aiyar's meeting with moderate Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq as part of an NGO.

Sharma said the Congress has been saying repeatedly that if the prime minister has a plan or a roadmap, he should at least in camera sit with the opposition leaders and discuss as there are issues of concerns of national security and territorial integrity.

He also criticised the release of video of the punitive strike by the Indian Army, but clarified that the party is not against the Army action.

"Has India released films or videos in the past of the Army action? The fact is that there is escalation of attacks from across the border. The fact is that we are losing more soldiers. We have never questioned the authenticity of the Indian Army action but we are saying is that it is for the PM now to address this issue because it is not the Army but it is Shri Doval who talked to Mr Janjua. It is based on this understanding that Prime Minister went to Lahore," he said.

Sharma said if the opposition will not ask this question from the Prime Minister, then the truth will be lost.

There has to be a coherent policy to resolve the issue, which can ensure stability and return of peace in the Valley and which secures the country and strengthen India's security, he said.

Taking a swipe at the Centre he said, "If government agencies can be used against political opponents, then they can be used against anti-national elements also".

He said the Army will continue to do its duty and belongs to the people of India.

"What is the Government doing? Please let us not make departure in our mind from what this Prime Minister had promised in 2014 and where are we in 2017? Does this Government have a concerted, strategic policy? That is why the questions will be asked.

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