One Left's loss is another Left's gain
One Left's loss is another Left's gain
There is a battle between the leftists of Kerala and West Bengal over precious FDI. This one involves a Dubai based IT company.

Thiruvanathapuram: With Kerala's communists led by VS Achuthanathan seeing red, Smart City left the shores of Kerala to the liberalised and pink pastures of West Bengal.

For Kerala, it means a loss of as many as 33,000 jobs in the next ten years. Achutnanandan had promised to look into the deal struck by the previous Congress government. However, because of suspicions of irregularities, the deal was never finalised by him.

But the Dubai-based IT company was unwilling to wait. Economists are disappointed.

"Unfortunately, for the state of Kerala, the new CPM government that has just come into power does not seem to be sending the right signals to the potential investment community," says Economist & Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics, Shaffi Mather.

Buddhadeb's hijacking the project brings out every nuance of the Left's inner turmoil to the extent that Achutanandan is even reconsidering his stand.

The LDF government in Kerala might feel justified in saying no to Smart City as it did not agree to the conditions put forth by the government. But what embarrasses VS and Company today is the stand taken by Buddha and his reformists in West Bengal.

Buddha is moving fast on the Smart City proposal that has landed on his lap. With the Chief Minister on a fast track, it doesn't matter to him if this shift of location deprives a comrade.

And reformist Buddhadeb has been quick to grab yet another opportunity to tap FDI in his state.

But even as Kerala Chief Minister VS Achuthanandan tries to woo back Dubai Internet City, it remains to be seen whose pull and policies actually impress foreign investors.

(With inputs from Himika Chaudhuri in Kolkata)

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