How To
How to Do a Secret Santa
The point of "Secret Santa" is to make Christmas shopping easier and to spread around the spirit of giving to those who you might not normally have on your Christmas list. It involves a group of people exchanging names for a secret gift exchange. Consider...
How to Bathe Your Cat With a Damp Towel
Washing a cat is perhaps one of the most difficult things a cat owner might have to deal with. This is largely because cats like to take care of their own cleanliness and hygiene, and are averse to being completely cleaned by their human companions. As a...
How to Calculate Horsepower
Horsepower is a unit of measurement that calculates power. It was originally coined by a Scottish engineer to compare the power of steam engines with the power of horses. This article will show you how to calculate the horsepower of your cars engine, an e...
How to Reject a Guy Who Wants Your Number
If a guy is interested in you and asks for your number, who you really don't like or have no interest in him, the best thing is to get to the point and say "no thanks." Of course, that may not be your style, or you may feel safer trying a different option...
How to Change Spark Plugs in a Car
Like all mechanical parts, spark plugs wear out, but they're a relatively easy-to-fix issue that you can learn to diagnose and correct with the right tools and the right know-how. If you've never changed spark plugs in a car before or just need a refreshe...
How to Sneak Out of Your House
There comes a time in every teenager's life when sneaking out of the house must be done. There's a party to be seen at, friends to meet, and general things to ensue. How do you get out of the house without waking mom, dad, and the family dog? Read on.
How to Remove Armpit Hair
Your armpits are a sensitive area, so choose the hair removal method that feels most comfortable to you. Shaving is the most popular option, since it can be done in just a minute or two. There's also waxing and epilating, which have longer-lasting results...
How to Pet a Cat
Petting a cat may sound simple, but for children or people who haven't spent much time around cats, it's important to know the do's and don'ts of approaching and touching a cat. Petting in the wrong spot or using too much force or speed can agitate some c...
Hairstylist-Approved Guide to Cutting Men’s Hair at Home
Cutting men’s hair at home is a valuable skill that can easily be mastered. So long as you pay attention and take your time, you'll be able to achieve any look they desire at home! In this article, we’ll teach you exactly how to prep and cut men’s hair co...
How to Become a Better Shooter
Shooting a firearm is one of the most exciting things that you can do, and can easily become a lifelong hobby. While firing a gun is easy, becoming proficient with your accuracy, speed, and timing are all skills that take years to develop. Whether you're...
How to Make Non Slip Socks
Socks are great for keeping your feet warm, but they can get slippery, especially on hardwood or tile floors. While it is possible to buy non-slip socks, you may not be able to get them in the color and pattern you want. Luckily, making your own non-slip...
How to Use "A" and "An" Correctly
It can be a little confusing to figure out where the indefinite articles "A" and "An" are used. Here is the proper way to use them.Note to Reader: A and An rules may differ in different countries. These rules are based in America and may or may not apply...
How to Use "i.e." Versus "e.g."
The abbreviations "i.e." and "e.g." are commonly misused. Many people do not know what they stand for, or even what their true meanings are. This article will improve your understanding of these abbreviations and their proper use.
How to Meet New People
Maybe you're looking to expand your social circle, or you've recently started going to a new school and you don’t know anybody yet. Regardless of the reason, it helps to know where and how you can meet new people. We know it can be scary to introduce your...
How to Excuse Yourself from Unfinished Homework
Ideally, you will always be ready for class and have your homework completed. Sometimes, however, life gets in the way and you aren’t prepared. There are several methods for developing an excuse to give your teacher for why you don’t have your homework re...
How to Succeed in Harvest Moon Back to Nature
Here's a quick guide to getting the most out of your game.