How To
How to Make a Snowman
When winter comes with heavy snow, it’s time to get out there and build a snowman! It’s simple to roll up three snowballs: one large, one medium, and one small. Stack them up with the biggest on bottom and the smallest on top for the head. Then let your c...
How to Climb a Tree With No Branches
Climbing trees with no branches can be difficult, but as long as you do it safely, it can also be really fun! There are a couple of approaches you can take -- the front-foot technique and the frog technique. The front-foot technique is best for skinny tre...
How to Improve Your Posture
Improving your posture takes a little work and patience, but it’s well worth it–good posture can help you look and feel better. If you want to stop slouching or get relief from back pain, start to work on your posture in all parts of your life, whether yo...
How to Make a Dance Routine
Making a dance routine can be a fun way to pass time. Dancing is an art, however, and you'll need to spend a lot of time learning and practicing to form a good routine. Learn some basic moves and then spend some time learning about dancing and choreograph...
How to Reinvent Yourself After a Break Up (Girls)
Break ups are a painful but inevitable part of life. No matter the circumstances that caused the break up, afterwards many people feel sad, lonely, and depressed. The upside of a break up is that such a dramatic change can be a great catalyst for reinvent...
How to Curl Your Hair with a Flat Iron
Curling hair with a straightener can create full and bouncy curls that won't look like ringlets. It takes a little practice, but once you get the technique down, you will look amazing and practically red-carpet ready. Follow along to learn how to get the...
How to Blow the Shell off a Hard Boiled Egg
While anyone can peel a hard boiled egg, it's a neat trick to whip the shell of in a few seconds. Try it!
How to Listen to Music in Class
Class can sometimes be boring. And study periods can be even worse, especially if you learn best when you listen to music while studying. You can listen to music in class, but you have to be smart about it if you want to avoid detention. Here are some tip...
How to Connect Coaxial Cable Connectors
A coaxial cable (coax) brings TV and internet signals into homes and other buildings. These cables need connectors on the end to hook up to appliances like TVs and transmit signal. If you have a coax cable without a connector, installing your own is a sim...
How to Find Documentation for Your Motherboard Online
If you've ever had to repair an old computer without the motherboard manual, you know just how tricky that can be. Luckily, these days the basic documentation for many motherboards can be found online if you know how to look for them.
How to Hide
Whether you're playing a game of hide-and-seek, trying to get away from someone who annoys you, or pulling a prank on your friends, sometimes you just need to hide. The best hiding spots are those that keep you completely covered, like behind the couch, u...
How to Keep a Pet Bird Quiet
Birds can be excellent companions, but they can also make a lot of noise. Sometimes that noise is inevitable, but there are a few steps you can take to train your bird out of excessive or incessant squawking.
How to Make a Pencil Case
Making your own pencil case can be fun way to end up with a unique, personalized pencil case that you'll be happy to carry around. Best of all, there are lots of different ways to make a pencil case to meet your needs. Once you know the basics of making a...
How to Improve Your Memory
You’re chatting with a friend and want to recommend a good book you just finished, or a movie you finally saw. All of a sudden, you can’t remember the title! It feels like it’s on the tip of your tongue, but the harder you try to remember, the more it elu...
Craft Your Own Short Story: The Complete Guide
For many writers, the short story is the perfect medium. It is a refreshing activity. For many, it is as natural as breathing is to lungs. While writing a novel can be a Herculean task, just about anybody can craft—and, most importantly, finish—a short st...
How to Give Your Wife a Backrub
Giving your wife a backrub can be a very intimate experience. You take time to focus on her needs. Don't go in blindly though. Take time to set the mood for relaxation. Music, lighting, and candles go a long way. You can help calm her muscles from a stres...