How To
How to Be Kissable
The most important part of being kissable is being yourself and having the right partner. There are, however, definitely some things you can do to become even more kissable. Problems like bad breath, dry lips, and a lack of confidence can prevent you from...
How to Reduce Menstrual Cramps
If you’re on your period and you're experiencing a dull ache or sharp pain in your abdomen, you probably have menstrual cramps. These uncomfortable cramps are caused by your uterus contracting to shed its inner lining and help the blood flow.[1] X Rese...
How to Heal a Broken Heart
Coping with the loss of a relationship may be one of the hardest things you ever have to do. Whether you were with the person for three months or thirty years, breakups can leave you feeling profoundly hurt, confused, and rejected. You won't feel this way...
How to Feel Confident
You might have already read and learned how to be confident, but what if you still don't feel all that confident? Sometimes it takes your emotions a little bit of time to catch up with your behaviors, but you can help to move the process along. Perhaps al...
How to Clean a Vacuum Thermosflask That Has Stains at the Bottom
Insulated flasks are all the rage these days, and for good reason. They’re affordable, easy to carry and keep your favorite beverages just the right temperature for hours and hours. Because of their construction, however, they can be difficult to clean af...
A Beginner’s Guide to Go: Setup, Rules, & Gameplay
Believed to be at least 2,500 years old, Go is one of the oldest board games in the world. It’s the ultimate game to engage your mind, and while it might seem a little confusing at first, it’s actually super easy to learn! In this article, we’ll walk you...
How to Hang Wall Paper over Wood Paneling
Wood Paneling makes a room look comfortable, and is great in a den. However, there is not too much you can do with wood paneling to make the room look different, and after a while, you get tired of looking at the same walls. Wallpaper will cover the Wood...
How to Select the Best Pokémon to Beat the Elite Four in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl
So you’ve made it to The Pokémon League of Sinnoh and defeated your rival for the final time. Now all that stands between you and the Pokémon champion is the Elite Four! With so many possibilities, it’s tough to choose which Pokémon to take into battle....
How to Deal With Falling in Love with Your Best Friend (for Guys)
If you're one of those guys who's begun having feelings for your female best friend (or just a female friend), these instructions might help. Dealing with it can be very tough, especially if you find she doesn't feel the same way about you.
The Ultimate Guide to Applying Canvas Primer
Before you paint on a canvas, it’s a very good idea to apply a primer, as well as sizing glue if you plan to use oil paints. Primers like gesso can stiffen the surface of your canvas, which makes it more textured and helps the colors in your work stand ou...
How to Include References on a Resume
Many potential employers ask for a list of references in a job application or at the end of a job interview. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a list of references handy when you’re applying for a new job.
How to Take Care of a Guinea Pig
Guinea pigs are small pets, but they require plenty of space, time, effort, and human interaction. If you are willing to give your guinea pig a good home with proper food, attention, living space, grooming, and veterinary care, you will be rewarded with...
How to Convert to Judaism
Judaism is among the seminal religions of the world, and is the first known monotheistic religion (in which only one god is worshipped). It preceded Islam in tracing its shared roots back to Abraham, a patriarch of the Torah, the holiest book in Judaism....
Easy Guide to Updating the BIOS on a Computer (Windows)
This wikiHow teaches you how to update the BIOS (Basic Input Output System) firmware for a Windows computer. Keep in mind that your BIOS rarely needs updating, and updating the BIOS incorrectly can render your computer completely inoperable. If you’re run...
How to Make Your Friend's Older Brother Think of You Romantically
Your friend's older brother may think of you as one of the pipsqueaks who comes over for sleepovers and girl time with his kid sister. In reality, though, you’re a young woman with a serious crush on him. You may be wondering how you should act and what y...
How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits
Many people realize that healthy eating habits can help support a healthy weight, manage or improve chronic diseases and maintain overall good health. But a diet that contains more processed, less nutritious foods can lead to weight gain and poor health....