The genesis of humankind on earth has been an area of interest and that has been shrouded in mystery for years. We all know that our planet had a different ecosystem before the appearance of humankind with dinosaurs being the dominant species on earth. Fast forward by millions of years and today, we stand as the planet’s dominant species. But the journey has not been short or easy. Our ancestors did not have the same cognitive abilities as the present species of humans, the Homo Sapiens. Let us track the evolution of humans since the first documented appearance of primates on earth.
According to a Daily Mail report, scientists associated with the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History have conducted extended research on the same. They said that the first primitive primates evolved about 55 million years ago and can be called the first things that remotely resembled humans. From them, 15 million years ago, Hominidae evolved. They are also known as gibbons or great apes. Most people consider them our ancestors and we are also told about them in detail. The appearance of the humans of today is also quite similar to theirs.
According to scientists, about 70 lakh years ago, gorillas evolved from gibbons. Chimpanzees were born from them and later different lineages of humans were born. Scientists have found evidence that the ancient humans who were born about 55 lakh years ago looked like apes like chimpanzees and gorillas. They were called Ardipithecus. They did not have a bigger brain than a chimpanzee but had other human-like characteristics. Australopithecus afarensis lived in Africa 29 to 39.40 lakh years ago.
Paranthropus was born 27 lakh years ago and inhabited forests. They had huge jaws for chewing. Most of them were carnivorous. They evolved further. 26 lakh years ago, they made hand axes, so that they could hunt animals. It is believed that Homo habilis first appeared in Africa around 23 lakh years ago. The present Homo Sapiens is believed to have evolved 19 lakh years ago.
As humans continued to evolve, they began using fire around 800,000 years ago and started making stoves. It led to rapid brain development. Neanderthals first emerged in Asia and Europe about 400,000 years ago and began spreading globally. Modern humans, who evolved in Africa, reached Europe around 40,000 years ago. Therefore, it’s reasonable to believe that around 17 lakh years ago, early humans in East Africa started using stones as tools.
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