Bollywood actress Sameera Reddy, who has just given birth to her second child, has been posting pictures on her Instagram and sharing the different facets of motherhood. The 34-year-old actress gave birth to a baby girl on July 12. In her latest Instagram post, the Race actress shared her experience as a second-time mom, in which she openly talked about breastfeeding.
The actress said that though breastfeeding is a "natural process," it can be "very stressful". Sameera went on to say that women should feel free to resort to any way of feeding their kids that they find suitable and that "no one can define what the perfect way is."
"Day 11 - Happiness galore with no sleep, colic and feeding round the clock ! I think I forgot how stressful breastfeeding can be !! I mean the pressure Is quite real and the whole top feed balance after a csec is hectic! I finally am exclusively feeding her but the whole process is something that should be natural but it's made to be very stressful."
"I realised with the feedback that a lot of women struggle with it. I think it's cool if a mom wants to move totally to formula or only BF or balance both. There is no shame and no one can define what's the perfect way. We're doing the best we can! Ladoos to pumps I'm on job but damn it's really quite hard !," the post read. She wrote the lengthy post along with an adorable selfie of her holding her newborn.
Sameera introduced her daughter on social media by posting an adorable photograph which she captioned "This little girl gave me the strength of wild horses. She wanted me to find myself again. She knew I was lost and she showed me the way. I found a voice in celebrating motherhood."
During her pregnancy, Sameera kept her fans updated with her maternity photo shoots. The actress broke the stereotype and left everyone amazed with her underwater photo shoot where she wore a bikini and flaunted her baby bump.
Sameera got married to businessman Akshai Varde in a traditional Maharashtrian style in the year 2014. She was blessed with a baby boy, Hans in the year 2015.
On the work front, Sameera was last seen in the film Varadanayaka in 2013, after which she got married. She has starred in movies like Taxi No 9211, De Dana Dan, Maine Dil Tujhko Diya among others.
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