Eva Mendes Reveals how she and Ryan Gosling Have Distributed Kitchen Duties
Eva Mendes Reveals how she and Ryan Gosling Have Distributed Kitchen Duties
For Eva Mendes, cleaning goes deeper than just cleaning up since the process really provides her a sense of clarity

Eva Mendes loves to clean her kitchen. The actress is the co-owner of a female-founded cleaning brand and has said cleaning brings her joy. Speaking to People Magazine, the 48-year-old admitted that life is chaotic but controlling things that you can brings a sense of calmness. “The one thing I can control is my house, my kitchen. So when I do the dishes it’s meditative for me,” she said.

For Eva Mendes, cleaning goes deeper than just cleaning up since the process really provides her a sense of clarity. “Clean sink equals clear mind for me,” she said.

She also revealed that when it comes to cooking, it is her husband, actor Ryan Gosling who rules the roost. She described him as an “incredible cook.”

Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling, who worked together in 2012 film The Place Beyond The Pines, seem to have mastered the art of balancing domestic duties. As Mendes told People, “I think that there’s a really nice balance to ‘you cook, I clean.’ And it just works for us.”

The Hollywood couple are also parents to two daughters Esmeralda and Amanda. Talking about her love for cleaning kitchen, Mendes admitted that she is a “control freak” about the sink and called it a therapeutic experience for her when she sets up shop in front of the dishes.

Mendes revealed that she grew up in a tiny apartment with a lot of people, and her family did not have much. However, she added that when the house was clean, it was like, “‘Hey, I just feel better.’ Everybody felt better. So for me, it’s really emotional.”

She is a creative person, and with the pandemic, she has learnt how to accommodate her professional and personal life at home.

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