2017 Trends: How Travel Could Evolve This Year
2017 Trends: How Travel Could Evolve This Year
The year 2017 will see the rise of 'sanctustays', experiential travel and a return to the 'human touch', according to a new trends report on the state of travel for 2017.

The year 2017 will see the rise of 'sanctustays', experiential travel and a return to the 'human touch', according to a new trends report on the state of travel for 2017.

Analysts at the travel website Booking.com gazed into their crystal ball to come up with predictions on how people will be traveling in the next year.

For the report, experts looked at guest reviews, industry studies and travel data to come up with their forecasts. Conclusions were also drawn from surveys conducted by Booking.com among 12,780 respondents around the world.

Here are a few of their forecasts:

Relaxation travel

Interest in health and wellness holidays are predicted to spike next year, with notable interest from overworked travelers in India, China and Thailand, according to survey results collected by Booking.com. The travel industry will respond by developing more wellness sanctuaries, dubbed “SanctuStays” ranging from villas, apartments and resorts, with services like wellness workshops and meditation facilities.

Experiences over shopping

Rather than material souvenirs, more than half (58 percent) of travelers polled said they plan to allot more of their travel budget to experiences, experts say.

Human automation

In a sign that travelers are increasingly seeking out contact with the locals and more authenticity, bookings at bed and breakfasts and ryokans are the most highly-rated on the site. To replicate human interaction, expect advances in chatbot technology which tries to emulate the warmth and spontaneity of human communication.

Green travel

Travelers are heeding the dire warnings of climate change, and will make more eco-friendly travel considerations in the coming year, experts say. Expect 2017 to see increased discussion on economic incentives such as tax breaks for green travel, and the greening of transportation.

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