K'taka CJ Dinakaran asked to go on leave
K'taka CJ Dinakaran asked to go on leave
Dinakaran has been asked by the apex court Collegium to go on leave.

New Delhi: Karnataka High Court Chief Justice P D Dinakaran, whose elevation to the Supreme Court was halted, has been asked by the apex court Collegium to go on leave.

Highly placed sources said the decision was taken against Dinakaran, who has not been performing any judicial work since December last, as several representations were received that the judicial work of the high court has been hit.

Sources said the collegium has also cleared the name of the acting chief justice of the Delhi High Court Justice Madan B Lokur to be appointed as the Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court.

The case so far:

On Nov 9, 2009, about 60 thousand lawyers in Karnataka abstained from courts in protest against Dinakaram's continuation as Chief Justice

On Dec 16, 2009, notification issued by the HC Registrar General Budhihal saying Justice Dinakaran will not be presiding over the bench till further orders.

Vice-President Hamid Ansari accepts the notice for moving impeachment motion against Justice Dinakaran in Rajya Sabha.

In Jan 15, 2010, a committee was appointed under the Judges Inquiry Act to probe the charges againt Dinakaran, following a request from the Chennai-based Forum for Judicial Accountability.

Last month, the SC Collegium pulled the name of Dinakaran from the five-strong list of HC Chief Justices it had recommended for elevation.

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