Experience IT camp held
Experience IT camp held
KOCHI: Experience IT, a summer camp jointly organised by Infopark Kochi and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd was held at TCS, Infop..

KOCHI: ‘Experience IT’, a summer camp jointly organised by Infopark Kochi and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd was held at TCS, Infopark. The camp, in which more than 40 students of class 8, 9 and 10 from 9 schools participated, was inaugurated by Infopark CEO Gigo Joesph.“We initiated the camp with the aim of creating an interest in IT among children and introduce to them the world of opportunities. We hope to have similar events in Infopark that will benefit students,” said Gigo Joseph. “Tata Consultancy Services has been actively involved in initiatives to inculcate Science and Technology in students. We believe such initiatives can help build tomorrow’s global professionals,” said Santhosh C Kurup, branch head, TCS Kochi.The two-day programme focused on technical as well as softskills sessions. The technical sessions dealt with the concepts of IT, application of IT and exposed students to latest developments including mobile technology. The softskills sessions offered modules on Communication, Impression Management, Team Skills and Go Green.

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