Brownie Aunty and her chocolate factory
Brownie Aunty and her chocolate factory
Hannah Herurs sweet treats, ranging from choco buns and banana cakes to freshly baked brownies, are a hit with college-goers in the city

If you were to ask any student at Women’s Christian College about ‘Brownie’ Aunty, they will eagerly point you in the direction of the college canteen. The sign on the board reads Hannah’s Bakes and Delights — and the 60-year-old Hannah Herur aka ‘Brownie’ Aunty behind the counter takes a moment to smile at every student who comes her way. “I think it’s the grey hair that makes them respect me more,” she laughs, while handing out a stuffed chicken sandwich. There is a section inside the canteen where you will find everything from choco buns to banana cake and the highlight — a large freshly baked tray of brownies!

Honestly this was not what she had in mind, she admits, “I had a home bakery in mind.” So leaving the house was not part of the plan. “But I knew the principal of WCC and when I mentioned it to her, she said, ‘please do something for my hostelites — they are starved of home food’.” This was the beginning of Hannah’s bakery six years ago. “I would drive down with a tray of assorted cakes and brownies in my old Fiat,” she reminisces about the old days, “but it never really lasted too long. I would sell what I had brought and leave in about half an hour.”

Six months later, the principal requested she extend her timings as the evening college students were complaining about missing out on all the sweet treats. After a while, even with her helpers (mothers of children who have Down Syndrome) — it became difficult to bake, transport and be set for service on time. “So the principal gave me the staff dining room to use as a kitchen,” she gestures to the three large ovens behind her. “Now I start the day here at 7.30 in the morning and by the time I get home, its 7.30 pm,” she says with a sigh. All said and done, she wouldn’t trade the job for anything else. “I’m happy,” she says simply.

Apart from her baked goodies, she takes the liberty of imparting good manners to the girls on occasion. So you may want to stay clear of meddling with your scrunchie as you approach her college bakery, unless you want to hear Hannah’s classic words of wisdom, “This is not a dressing room, it’s a dining room,” passed along with a warm brownie to soothe things over.

Just as we were winding up, a bright-eyed youngster walks up and places a double brownie. Turns out, she’s from Ethiraj. “Aunty!” she squeals in glee. “My friend told me about your brownies and now I’m smitten,” she says before packing up a box-full. Brownie aunty doesn’t seem surprised. “Several of our graduates come in as well,” she reveals. “And the one thing that everybody has been hassling me for is my famous brownie recipe,” she states openly. “But it took me six months to perfect and I’m not letting it out just yet,” she adds with a almost mischievous grin. “Maybe when I hang up my apron, I’ll write it in big letters for everybody to see.” For now, those smitten or otherwise will have to settle for large bites , glad that each one costs all of `15.

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