Take a break from everything. Take a day off to sort out what's bugging you and to have a rest. Nobody can keep going on full throttle without taking a break. Take a moment to sort out your thoughts - write out everything on a piece of paper or in a diary, spill in a private blog, tell your pet bird - whatever works for you, do it. Clear all your worries and problems out of your system, and out of your mind. Organizing your daily routines can be a major step in the right direction. Give yourself enough time to properly do things without rushing so that you can enjoy things. Find out if your job insures any paid sick days or personal days. If they do, use them! It's recommended that you keep a record of your thoughts by writing them down because this helps you to sort through them and also gives you an anchor point for moving forward from. Be careful what you post on the internet when using a blog, because as soon as you click send, unless you've made sure it's set for private publication only, then anything you've written becomes public. It is not a good idea to vent about the people who are bugging you in a public forum!
Breathe and realize that worrying will not solve any of your problems. To relax, you have to actually try to relax and to give yourself the space and time to do so. Take a few deep breaths and remember that worrying will make things worse, and that you are entitled to find a centered inner place to help you go forward Meditation will help relax both your body and mind. Take 20 deep breaths in and out for a quick mood booster. See wikiHow's various meditation articles for more good tips and tricks on meditating. Seek meditation classes. Sometimes it's easier to learn to relax with other people.
Learn how to do something new. Lessons, a workshop, after hours learning, etc., can all provide you with an opportunity to unwind and learn more about the world and yourself at the same time. You might not think that it's possible to unwind while learning but provided it's fun and it's with people who are enthusiastic, this can be an incredible buzz and time of sheer creativity for you.
Find something positive about any situation. Tired? Stressed? Being positive can make a huge difference to your feelings and your outlook on the problems in your way. Remember every con has a pro, and being negative isn't going to help you sort through the options. Acting sarcastic about everything isn't going to give you the right key to unlock solutions. Put down your umbrella and live the sunshine. Positivity is a virus everyone wants to catch, so spread it! Be around positive people. Surrounding yourself with negative people may cause you to feel down. And that doesn't mean hanging around the laugh of the party all the time – it just means finding people who make you feel good when you're in their presence. And don't dismiss everyone who isn't upbeat – be aware that everyone gets a little down now and then over losses in their life; make your decisions about who is good to be around based on knowing people as a whole, not just from an odd occasion. Do something small but valuable for the community. Community service makes you feel good inside, as well as being beneficial for the people you help out. It can be as simple as helping collect your neighbor's mail while they're on vacation to as involved as helping out with the local soup kitchen. Give the time you have. Exercise! Exercising helps you to feel happy, and it is a great stress reliever. Next time you need to unwind, jog around the block or do a few laps in your pool to work off any irritation or stress.
Talk it through. Talking is definitely one of the best remedies. Whether it's your spouse, your parents, your best friend or your counselor, if decisions you need to make or things you're thinking are just too hard, talk to someone you trust to help you sort through the issues. Speak to someone you know you can always trust, and who is always there for you. Sleep on your problems, and when you wake up, say what you have to say.
Tell people when they've overstepped your boundaries. Let them know that their way of treating you is not welcome, and that they should stop. Let them say their side of the story as well as expecting them to listen to yours. Accept their opinions for what they are, and remember that honesty is the best policy. However, do be considerate when being honest.
Smile. Even when you're feeling down, smiling can make a big difference to your feelings and to other people's. Trying to be happy when someone is around can make them happy and can lighten up everyone's mood. And if a smile isn't enough, laughter is the best medicine.
Sleep well. Sleeping is a way to shut down and restart your body. Forget about the external strife and rest for internal strength. Make your bed a comfortable environment by adding lots of pillows, throw a nice blanket over the top and add whatever makes you get to sleep easiest (music, reading, light/darkness, heat/cold air etc.) Have a warm bath or shower beforehand so you are refreshed, get a massage to relax and go to sleep. Pamper yourself. You don't deserve to be put under pressure. Sleep is a key point to unwinding.Know that resting gives your body some time to organize everything. Things will seem much clearer when you wake up. Make sure to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Know your sleep needs and stick to them. Try to get to bed earlier and wake up earlier. This can allow you space at the commencement of the day to get more things done while you're refreshed and it's quiet around you.
Take things slowly - there's no need to rush! Slow down and enjoy life. Going too fast will wear you out, while going top speed is guaranteed to wind you up, which defeats the purpose of your desire to unwind. Realize that it's not about how fast you can be. It's about the outcome you achieve. The outcome you're aiming for is to unwind, so relax! There's no need to rush - take note of this experience for next time.
Play an instrument. Any instrument, from your old piano, to a baritone saxophone, or a piccolo. An instrument requires discipline, focus, a sense of rhythm and will help you to reconnect with keeping a healthy pace with the music and ultimately, with life.
If none of the above works, see a professional. This is important. No good human deserves to be stressed. Admitting you need to see someone is hard, but shows a lot of courage when you do. There is much relief to be gained from non-judgmental help.
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