While there are many deterrents used to get rid of pesky house flies from your home or other surroundings, cloves are among the most popular. To get rid of house flies with cloves, simply poke 20 to 30 whole cloves into an apple, place the apple in the middle of the area, and watch the flies disappear shortly thereafter. This fix should work both indoors and outdoors.
Take a sweet and ripe apple (any kind).
Take 20 –30 cloves.
Poke the cloves randomly into the apple.
Place the newly clove-decorated apple on a plate and place it in the middle of the picnic table.
Watch. You will be amazed to see how all of a sudden all the flies disappear in a short time. They simply hate the subtle smell of the cloves and will never come again to “share your meal" as long as you have this ornamental clove apple on the table. Enjoy your food.
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