How to Become a Netflix Tagger: A Guide to This Viral Job
How to Become a Netflix Tagger: A Guide to This Viral Job
Getting paid to watch Netflix sounds like it’s too good to be true, but it’s actually a real job! Netflix taggers watch content and tag it with appropriate keywords so Netflix users can easily find shows and movies they’ll enjoy. While this job is highly competitive, it’s a great part-time gig for movie buffs. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about how to become a Netflix tagger and what the job entails.
Getting a Job as a Netflix Tagger

What does a Netflix tagger do?

Netflix taggers get paid to watch and categorize Netflix titles. Netflix taggers watch a variety of movies and TV shows on Netflix as editorial and content analysts. They tag titles with keywords that appear as categories when viewers search for content. These tags ensure viewers get the most relevant results based on the keywords they search. Tagging is a remote position, and most taggers watch about 20 hours of content per week. Taggers look for similarities in content based on genre, theme, cast, language, and even profanity. They then categorize and rate titles to help Netflix enhance the use of metadata to promote their titles. This is how Netflix recommends shows they think viewers will like based on other content they’ve watched. Taggers also look for any culturally sensitive issues, prepare reports based on their findings, and collaborate with other team members to ensure the best tagging practices are followed.

Skills and Requirements to Become a Netflix Tagger

Have a few years of experience in media or data analytics. In most cases, Netflix expects taggers to have at least 5 years of experience in the film or television industry. If you don’t have experience in the industry, having prior experience with metadata or big data analysis can also improve your chances of getting hired. For example, you may have held a position as a production assistant or had an internship with a film company. You must also be at least 18 years old to apply.

A degree is not required, but a relevant one could help. Unlike many positions at Netflix, which require at least a Bachelor’s degree, you do not have to have a degree to become a tagger. However, holding a degree in a relevant field (like film studies, for example) might help boost your resume because it shows you have a foundation in and are passionate about film and television. Some relevant degrees include screenwriting, film production, and digital media.

Be passionate about all kinds of content. If you only enjoy watching some niche subgenre of movies, this probably isn’t the best role for you. Netflix taggers watch movies and shows across hundreds of genres and subgenres. Be familiar with genres, screenplay, and different storytelling styles and cultural references, and be objective about genres you may not necessarily like. Because the entertainment industry is always evolving and Netflix needs to keep up, it’s also important to stay up-to-date with relevant trends and technologies to further set yourself apart from other applicants.

Develop strong analytical skills and an eye for detail. Taggers create tags based on a variety of elements, so strong observational skills are a must. Netflix makes recommendations to users by using content-based filtering from data reported by taggers. Because this is so important to user enjoyment, you must be able to analyze, research, and find meaningful insights in the content you watch.

Be able to work independently. Because tagging is a remote position, you need to have good time management skills and be able to work efficiently without the need for constant monitoring. After watching a title, you’ll need to browse hundreds of tags to select the appropriate ones.

Be willing and able to watch a lot of content. Getting paid to watch Netflix may sound like a dream, but watching hours upon hours of content can take a toll on your body. Before applying, make sure you can comfortably watch upwards of 20 hours a week and that you have a stable Internet connection to do so.

Netflix Tagger Application Process

Apply on Netflix’s website. The tagger position is highly competitive and gets filled quickly, so keep an eye on Netflix’s career website for any open positions. Have your resume ready and fill out any required information on the application. Netflix only posts job openings on their career site, so this is the only place to find a legitimate tagger job. Netflix will not post on social media or random websites, so if you find a tagger job on one of these sites, it’s a scam. It’s a good idea to check for job openings weekly to make sure you don’t miss an opportunity. The job may be listed under a different title, such as editorial analyst or content analyst. Be sure to read the listing to make sure it’s the tagger position.

Get an interview. If Netflix is interested in your application, you’ll be invited to an interview with a panel of current Netflix taggers or recruiters. Be prepared to discuss any relevant experience you have in the film/television industry as well as your familiarity with Netflix’s content and keywords. Demonstrate your passion for TV and movies and persuade the team you’d be a perfect fit for the position.

Take a short tagging assessment. If you do well in the interview, you may be selected to participate in a tagging assessment. The assessment evaluates your ability to tag and analyze content accurately and efficiently. If you pass, you may be offered the position. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get hired. This is an extremely competitive position, so the decision likely doesn’t reflect negatively on you or your qualifications. Keep building your resume and apply again the next time a position opens up.

Netflix Tagger Salary

The exact pay rates for Netflix taggers haven’t been revealed. Some sources claim the average salary is about $15.00 per hour while others state Netflix pays up to $45.00 per hour for remote positions. Most sources state that Netflix taggers sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) that states they cannot reveal their pay rate. This would explain why there is no definitive answer.

Jobs Similar to Netflix Tagging

If Netflix doesn’t hire you, try a similar side hustle. While you always have to be careful with jobs that seem too good to be true, there are a lot of side jobs that pay you to watch videos or something similar. Do some research to make sure the listing is legit and apply for roles similar to the ones below: Start a review blog. If you’re passionate about movies and TV, create a blog discussing your favorite Netflix titles. While this may not yield income immediately, you can monetize your content by running ads and featuring sponsored content. Allow companies to track your data and internet usage. Companies like Nielsen and apps like Viggle track your data for marketing research and to understand patterns of consumption. This is an indirect way to get paid to watch Netflix. Become an affiliate marketer. Affiliate marketing allows you to use special links to companies like Netflix and earn commissions for completing certain tasks. You simply share information about the company or product with others. Add closed captions to movies and shows. Netflix doesn’t exclusively hire for this position, but you can sign up through a third party and work with several streaming services that need closed captioning.

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