Spot A Human Among The Statues; You Have 9 Seconds
Spot A Human Among The Statues; You Have 9 Seconds
This image shows so many identical statues, that it is almost an uphill task to locate a human being among them.

Optical illusions are a set of images that challenge how users visualise things around them. They also aid in enhancing one’s cognitive abilities and intelligence. One such optical illusion challenges you to find a human being among various statues. There is also a time limitation of 9 seconds to solve this illusion. This puzzle shows so many identical statues that it is almost an uphill task to locate a human being among them. So, brace yourselves, to prove your intelligence by finding the answer within the fixed time limit. A YouTube channel has uploaded this illusion.

Social media users can see that many statues in different poses are visible in this image. At the first glance, it seems a perplexing task to zero in on the answer to this illusion. It, however, takes a lot of patience and strong observational skills to solve an optical illusion. Some of the users might feel that the answer lies among the statues whose eyes are open. It gives the idea that one of such statutes might be a human being. There are three such sculptures, but none of them is the answer to the illusion. Others might have found the answer within the set time limit and deserve applause. For those who couldn’t do the same, we are there to help them.

All the idols in this illusion are doing some kind of hand gesture, that is folding their hands or pointing hands somewhere. If the users observe with a keen eye, one of them on the right side can be seen doing a different action. He is shown looking at his wristwatch, that is the human. This is the answer to your illusion, which seems like a next-to-impossible task once.

Optical illusions play a crucial role in improving your focus. Thus, it makes it worthwhile to practise these tricky puzzles daily. Locating the human being amongst the sculptures within the time limit might indicate a high IQ. If some of the users were not able to do it, the key to improvement is practising. It will enhance their accuracy and speed in solving optical illusions. Many studies have reported that regular practice of solving optical illusions will delay the onset of cognitive deterioration in old age.

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