34-year-old Mother Leaves Kids With Husband For Her Dream 'Solo Trip'
34-year-old Mother Leaves Kids With Husband For Her Dream 'Solo Trip'
Colleen Smith is a 34-year-old woman from England. She has two small children. Colleen chose to go on a solo trip, leaving behind her two little children with her husband.

Travelling has been a hobby for people. Travel enthusiasts go on vacations or make a living out of travelling. Today, in the world of social media and technological advancement, earning money while travelling is not a difficult job. Leaving children behind with their husbands only to travel the world is a rare scenario. In a similar incident, Colleen Smith decided to travel the world. To pursue her dream, she had no option but to leave her children with her husband.

Colleen Smith is a 34-year-old woman from England. She has two small children. Colleen chose to go on a solo trip, leaving behind her two little children with her husband. Generally, this kind of decision makes someone look immature. Most importantly, when a mother leaves behind her children to go on her endeavours, she faces many judgments. People go to great lengths to fulfil their dreams and hobbies.

According to her, she has loved travelling since childhood. She has set a new example, going against all of her odds to fulfil her dreams. She also said that she loves her children so much. However, people troll him for going on trips and leaving her children behind. She is also judged by women for the same reason. She aspired to make her children independent and responsible.

Colleen says that her family has no issue with her travelling solo across the world. They supported her decision to leave behind her children to pursue her dreams. Her father has also supported her.

Colleen has two children. One child is 8 years old and the other is 5. She was divorced in 2022 with her first husband after she became a mother. She got married for the second time. Throughout her life, she maintained her hobby.

After her divorce, she resumed her passion for travelling solo. She set out on solo trips. Colleen Smith plans to travel to South Africa and Chile this year. She has already visited some of the countries, like Portugal, Spain, Morocco, and Peru. She has decided to continue travelling solo. For safety purposes, she will travel with travel agencies later on.

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