PUBG Weapon Mechanics Reveal Rate-of-Fire and Framerates are Interrelated
PUBG Weapon Mechanics Reveal Rate-of-Fire and Framerates are Interrelated
Researchers have found that there is a correlation between the framerate, rate of fire and recoil on PUBG.

When it comes to gameplay, PUBG (PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds) is quite impressive thanks to its weapon mechanics and immersive environments. But if you have played the game long enough, you will know that the game isn’t perfect yet.

We’ve seen a number of updates that have managed to squash some of the bugs and issues last year, and while for the most part the game feels polished, a new point of concern has risen which adversely affects the game. According to a report, players have noticed that the in-game framerate directly affects weapon recoil. This means that it also affects damage per second (DPS), thereby controlling the overall weapon performance.

Now all of these might jargons to some, but for someone who is hardcore PUBG player on PC, these findings should help.

According to YouTuber, WackyJacky101, who is known for his thorough testing of the game, suggests that lower the framerates, the lower a weapon’s vertical recoil is going to be. Which means that if you play the game at 30fps, which is the lowest rate at which you can play, you will notice a more manageable recoil which applies to most weapons.

He also says that the game’s framerate also affects the rate-of-fire. Having a low fps will limit the speed at which your weapon can fire, so a weapon like the M416 will feel more accurate at lower fps. This is apparently due to the reason how PUBG calculates recoil, which happens for every single shot fired instead of following a pattern. Now theoretically high rate-of-fire weapons should be more accurate at low framerates, however their damage output decreases. This is going to be a headache for players who have fluctuating framerate as they will end up having erratic behaviour, making it harder to control the recoil.

Reddit user MutuTutu has his own set of findings where he says this issue has more quirks. He says that it comes down to how many times each weapon fires a shot per second. Basically there’s an ideal framerate for each weapon in PUBG, based on their rate-of-fire. The AKM’s fire rate (10/s) syncs up with 30 and 60 fps, thus it is the least affected. If one limits the fps to 31 or 61, the single extra frame will alter the recoil and it goes for all weapons.

So in conclusion, if your framerate is in perfect sync with your weapon’s rate-of-fire, the better the results you’re going to have. While that isn’t an easy task, but the main thing here is that you want to avoid a fluctuating fps.

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