On Tuesday evening, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to speak in the Lok Sabha during the debate on the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address, there was a commotion in the opposition benches with members looking to disrupt his speech.
Despite the din and people walking into the well, the Prime Minister carried on with his speech.
Several Congress MPs were in the well, and some were, in fact, standing right in front of the Prime Minister’s chair.
PM Modi was witnessing opposition MPs, especially those from the Congress, shouting at the top of their lungs right before him.
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Jai Sanvidhan
— Shehzad Jai Hind (Modi Ka Parivar) (@Shehzad_Ind) July 2, 2024
When a marshal came to give a glass of water to Prime Minister Modi who spoke for about two and a half hours, he offered it immediately to Congress MP Manickam Tagore standing and sloganeering nearby. Tagore refused, but the PM said that the MP next to him, Hibi Eden, could be feeling thirsty.
Eden, who hails from Kerala, took the glass of water from the Prime Minister and drank it, as he had been protesting before the PM’s chair for a long time.
This act was appreciated by many in Parliament and those who saw the visuals on television.
Through a simple gesture, the Prime Minister made it clear that for him, MPs across party lines are colleagues, and their well-being matters to him.
Humanity comes first over and above everything else is the message that the prime minister has driven home, and that, as the BJP says, he is “sabka PM”.
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