As He Enters 20th Year in Public Office, a Look at PM Modi's Journey Towards 'New India'
As He Enters 20th Year in Public Office, a Look at PM Modi's Journey Towards 'New India'
It was an extremely difficult time for Gujarat when Bhuj earthquake caused great devastation. In such a difficult situation, Narendra Modi took charge of Gujarat. And from the day of taking oath as the chief minister till now, there has been no looking back.

The journey of Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the head of an elected government began on this day exactly 20 years ago.

It was an extremely difficult time for Gujarat when Bhuj earthquake caused great devastation. In such a difficult situation, Narendra Modi took charge of Gujarat. And from the day of taking oath as the chief minister till now, there has been no looking back.

A phase of development that began from Gujarat later became a dream of one hundred and thirty crore Indians. PM Modi has always moved on the path of development for everyone. He has never been discouraged by the conspiracies and baseless disputes against himself and his government. His work and achievements are enough to speak for his vision — whether it is relief operations in the most difficult times or a resolve to increase the manufacturing base in Gujarat, start a social campaign to promote girls’ education in the state, or the initiative to build a world-class urban infrastructure. No aspect of development has remained untouched by his mantra of good governance and his puritanical vision.

Gujarat became a beacon of hope under the leadership Narendra Modi. With this, the western state also began to reflect the aspirations of New India. Demand for the charismatic leadership of Modi began to arise from across the country. He became a symbol of the youth’s dreams. Finally, the Bharatiya Janata Party nominated him as the Prime Ministerial candidate in 2013.

The support for Narendra Modi’s vision and the development model of Gujarat came as a landslide victory in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections.

A new India emerged in 2014, when the Bharatiya Janata Party, under Modis’s leadership, won an absolute majority for the first time. As a ‘principal servant’, Narendra Modi prioritised his dedication to the poor, victims, the deprived and the exploited as soon as he assumed power as the prime minister. Public welfare programs like Jan Dhan Yojana, Mudra Yojana, Jan Suraksha Yojana, Ujwala Yojna, Ujala Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Saubhagya Yojana, BHIM-UPI Yojana, Ayushman Bharat and PM-Kisan have changed India’s image.

He remained devoted to the ideals of the Indian Constitution while serving the poor and the needy. He has always been committed to the national interest while incorporating the mantra of unity in Indian culture and diversity. Modi, who is always ready for any challenge, has left no stone unturned to improve the image of India.

With his skilled leadership ability, he emerged as a world leader. And with his efforts, India soon became a ‘world guru’ on international forum. Due to the ongoing economic and social development movements in India, today the country feels itself capable and secure on all fronts.

Today, Narendra Modi is another name for public trust. The biggest reason for this is that what he has done for the poor, hardly any other Prime Minister has been able to do so far. This public sentiment and assurance helped BJP return to power in 2019 bagging even more number of seats than the last parliamentary elections. However, only half the work has been completed and the journey of building New India with the mantra of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas and Sabka Vishwas’ is yet to be completed.

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