The Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UPTET) 2021 is scheduled for November 28. It is a state-level teaching eligibility exam conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB). The exam is held once a year for the recruitment of teachers to be posted in various government and government-aided schools across the state.
The UPTET 2021 admit cards are likely to be released on November 17 by the Uttar Pradesh Exam Regulatory Authority (ERA) on the official website at updeled.gov.in. Candidates will need their login details to download the admit card. Applicants will have to cross-check if all details such as their name, exam paper, exam venue, timing are mentioned correctly. In case of error, candidates need to report to the authorities immediately.
Also read| UPTET Admit Card 2021 Likely to be Issued on November 17 at updeled.gov.in
UPTET 2021: Exam pattern
The exam will be conducted in two papers — paper 1 and 2. Paper 1 has five subjects for Child Development and Pedagogy, Language 1 (Hindi), Language 2 (English/Urdu/Sanskrit), Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. While Paper 2 consists of Child Development Pedagogy, Language 1 (Hindi), Language 2 (English/Urdu/Sanskrit), and Mathematics/Science or Social Science/Social Studies. All questions will be in multiple-choice questions (MCQs) format.
The exam will be held in Hindi and English. Candidates can choose the language as per their convenience. The time allotted to the candidates for the UPTET exam is 2.30 hours or 150 minutes.
UPTET 2021: Marking scheme
Each paper will carry 150 marks in total. For every right answer, candidates will get one mark. There is no negative marking for any wrong attempt in the UPTET 2021.
Those who want to teach classes 1 to Class 5, will have to clear Paper I, and those who want to teach classes 6 to 8, those candidates have to clear Paper-II of UPTET.
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The UPBEB will release the preliminary UPTET 2021 answer key on December 2. Candidates will be able to challenge the answer key if they find any answer or question as wrong. The final UPTET answer key will be released on the official website on December 24. UPTET result 2021 will be declared on December 28 on the basis of the final answer key.
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