The SSC GD constable recruitment exam will be held from January 10 to February 14, 2023. As everyone must have reached to the final stage of preparation, it is better to revise the old papers instead of studying something new.
The GD Constable Recruitment Online (CBT) exam will be for a total of 160 marks. Out of this, General Knowledge and General Awareness questions will be for a total of 40 marks. Candidates will get 60 minutes to complete the examination. A total of 80 questions need to be answered in the paper.
There will also be negative marking in the GD constable recruitment exam. For every wrong answer, 0.50 marks will be deducted from the overall score. Today we have brought to you 10 questions of General Knowledge that were asked in the GD Constable Recruitment Exam 2021 paper.
Question 1. Which gas is required by plants for photosynthesis?
Answer- Carbon dioxide
Question 2. Chlorination is done by mixing which powder in water?
Answer- Bleaching powder
Question 3. Which freedom fighter was accused of killing General Dyer?
Answer- Udham Singh
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Question 4. Which mountain range is known as the backbone of Upper Asia?
Answer- Karakoram range
Question 5. In which year did Babur captured Delhi and Agra after defeating the Sultan of Delhi?
Answer- In 1526
Question-6. In 1961, the US Federal Reserve began a monetary policy designed to stimulate the US economy by lowering long-term rates. This initiative was adopted by the Reserve Bank of India in December 2019. What was the name of this monetary policy?
Answer- Operation Twist
Question-7. Through which of his books did Dadabhai Naoroji sharply criticize the economic effects of British rule in India?
Answer- Poverty and Un-British Rule in India
Question-8. When is International Kite Festival organized in Gujarat?
Answer- January 2
Question-9. Mando festival is related to which state?
Answer- Goa
Question-10. By which letter is the SI unit of power of the lens denoted?
Answer- D
A total of 45284 posts will be filled through the SSC GD constable exam. The recruitments will be done for Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), Secretariat Security Force (SSF), Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and in Assam Rifles.
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