70% Citizens Blame Local Bodies for Mosquito Menace: Survey
70% Citizens Blame Local Bodies for Mosquito Menace: Survey
The survey, by community social media platform LocalCircles, received more than 10,000 responses from Indians residing in 352 districts of India

A survey conducted by LocalCircles has found that there is no effort being put in by many municipal corporations/ panchayats to protect people from mosquito borne diseases as in the last 45 days most have not undertaken the fogging exercise to contain mosquito breeding. Over 70% respondents reported that no preventive exercise like fogging has been undertaken in the last six weeks.

The survey, by community social media platform LocalCircles, received more than 10,000 responses from Indians residing in 352 districts of India. 61% of the participants were men while 39% were women. 43% of respondents were from tier 1 districts, 31% from tier 2 and 26% respondents were from tier 3, 4 and rural districts.

Nearly 60% of respondents claimed the situation was no different this year from that in the past. 17% households have been impacted due to mosquito-borne diseases in the last 3 years amounting to 6% each year on average. It said that if the percentage is applied to India’s 350 million households, it amounts to nearly 21 million households having one or more family members falling ill each year due to a mosquito-borne disease which is fairly significant to drive actions against mosquito menace on top priority.


As mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, chikungunya and dengue, etc., spread over 70% out of 12,411 respondents in the first poll shared their dismay at the fact that the local municipal corporation/panchayat have not conducted any anti-mosquito fogging in the last six weeks.

According to the survey, 17% respondents claimed that fogging to prevent mosquito breeding is never done in their area, while 54% admitted that no steps had been taken in the last 45 days by the local bodies to prevent or contain mosquitoes in their area. However, 15% respondents revealed that anti- mosquito fogging had been done once in their area while another 12% shared that repeated fogging had been done by the local bodies or authorities.


To ensure that this wasn’t just a 2022 phenomenon, LocalCircles asked citizens about whether their municipal corporation/panchayat has actively worked in the past to prevent spread of mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, Chikungunya and dengue, etc. during the monsoon season, 59% of the 12,028 respondents said No.

34% said that their local body has in the past conducted mosquito fogging while 7% did not know and opted for Can’t Say.


To the next question whether they or any of their family members had fallen ill due to mosquito-borne diseases in the last three years, 17% respondents out of 10,698 admitted to having suffered.

Of which 4% respondents claimed that mosquito borne diseases have impacted them or their family members multiple times. On the positive side, 75% respondents were thankful not to have fallen ill due to mosquito bourne diseases.

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