This Video of One Second From Every Game of Thrones Episode is More Satisfying Than the Finale
This Video of One Second From Every Game of Thrones Episode is More Satisfying Than the Finale
Take a quick look at all the eight seasons of Game of Thrones in this 73-second wrap up of the long-running show that ended this Sunday.

If you've been heartbroken after the end of Game of Thrones, and are still suffering from a massive hangover, here's some respite. A video compilation of one second from all 73 episodes of the show, across eight seasons, has been circulating online. The 73-second video has crucial scenes from every episode, cut to the beats of the theme music of Game of Thrones that plays during the credits in the beginning.

You get glimpses of characters whose screen-time came to an end in the earlier seasons - Ned Stark, Arya's sword instructor Syrio Forel, Jaqen H'ghar, Khal Drogo, Ygritte, etc. The video also captures the major deaths in the series - Robb Stark at the Red Wedding, the Viper Oberyn Martell, Joffrey at the Purple Wedding, Tywin Lanninster, ending with the death of Daenerys Targaryen.

Fans can reminisce some of the show's finest moments in the below mash-up.

The final installment of the fantasy show aired last night and saw Jon Snow stabbing the mother of dragons in the heart after her apparent descent into tyranny. While the dramatic death has attracted an equal amount of praise and criticism, Emilia Clarke has insisted that Dany's death marked the perfect end to her character's story.

She said, "I feel very taken care of as a character in that sense. It's a very beautiful and touching ending. Hopefully, what you'll see in that last moment as she's dying is: There's the vulnerability there's the little girl you met in season 1. See? She's right there. And now, she's not there anymore. But having said all of the things I've just said, I stand by Daenerys. I stand by her! I can't not."

Actor Kit Harington has reacted to backlash over the show's final season, telling haters to "go f**k themselves" as everyone on the show tried their "hardest." "How I feel about the show right now is quite defiant. I think no matter what anyone thinks about this season — and I don't mean to sound mean about critics here — but whatever critic spends half an hour writing about this season and makes their (negative) judgement on it, in my head they can go f–k themselves. 'Cause I know how much work was put into this," Harington told Esquire.

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