Naam Shabana also starring Akshay Kumar and Manoj Bajpayee, is based on Taapsee's character in Neeraj Pandey's 2015 action spy thriller film Baby.
Mumbai: Naam Shabana, which shows actress Taapsee Pannu throwing punches at the baddies and breaking their bones, has garnered box office collection of Rs 18.76 crore in India.
The Shivam Nair directorial has seen a good growth in the last three days. It minted Rs 5.12 crore on March 31, Rs 6.37 crore on April 1, and Rs 7.27 crore on April 2, the spokesperson of the film said in a statement.
The film is getting significant demand from overseas market and has been released in 37 countries and over 354 screens worldwide.
Naam Shabana, also starring Akshay Kumar and Manoj Bajpayee, is based on Taapsee's character in Neeraj Pandey's 2015 action spy thriller film Baby.
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