How Amitabh Bachchan Fit in During Jhund Shoot
How Amitabh Bachchan Fit in During Jhund Shoot
In 'Jhund', Amitabh Bachchan will play the role of a retired sports coach. The film is based on the real life of Vijay Barse, founder of NGO Slum Soccer.

One of Amitabh Bachchan's upcoming films include Nagraj Manjule's Jhund based on Vijay Barse, founder of the NGO Slum Soccer.

Vijay is a retired sports professor who helped slum kids organize football tournaments after observing them playing the sport on their own. Vijay's concept of 'jhoparpatti football', also referred to as Slum Soccer, has now become popular across the country.

Jhund's producer Savita Hiremath revealed to Mumbai Mirror that to keep the film as authentic as possible, they had slum kids act in the film. She also revealed that Amitabh Bachchan served as the perfect father figure to the children.

"There were no ego hassles or hierarchy. Mr Bachchan was like a father figure to the kids who were from real slums, never sitting in his vanity van but with them. He taught them not just the rules of the game which he knows well, but also about life itself, through stories," said Savita.

Director Nagraj was not very far behind and interacted with the kids often. Savita also revealed that Nagraj lived and ate alongside the actors throughout the course of the shoot.

Hiremath went on to say that none of the children appearing in the film were trained actors. Only after shooting a scene they would tell the producers of how excited and nervous they felt shooting alongside Big B.

Jhund has been shot in Faridabad, Kolkata, Chennai, and Trivandrum as well. The film is currently expected to release around May 8 this year.

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