How To Take Care Of Your Feet During Monsoons
How To Take Care Of Your Feet During Monsoons
Your feet need more pampering during monsoon.

The season which instills in all of us a feeling of romanticism, Monsoon, is finally here! The rain washes away all the dirt on the trees and you can see the bright green leaves of the trees, the 'petrichor' of the mud and something that we all absolutely adore in this weather are chai and pakodas.

But along with all the good things, rain also brings along clogged drains, water from drains overflowing and filling up the roads, and infections. You’re on your feet all day long, struggling with the pouring rain, you may step into a puddle of water or the rain may wet your socks and shoes, and unfortunately you’ve got to make do in those same shoes and socks, the entire day until you reach home from office. Also rain brings along so much humidity, the people who wear closed shoes keep sweating in their shoes and socks and just can’t change them. This dampness is enough for numerous breeds of bacteria to thrive and fungal infections to splurge.

Now, since your feet are at the receiving end of all this, you should not only take care of them but also pamper them. So here are a few things that you could daily or weekly –

1.Wash Your Feet

This needs to be done daily not just in monsoons but summers and winters as well. It’s a part of personal hygiene that needs to be maintained in order to keep yourself healthy.

For monsoons, if your feet smell you should immediately wash your feet after coming home with a liquid antiseptic soap or wash it with normal soap and add half a cap of antiseptic liquid to half mug of water and wash away the soap by pouring the half antiseptic-half water solution on your feet. Also, make sure you reach the area between the toes and also ensure that all the soap is washed away. You also need to scrub your heels regularly with pumice stone or scrubber in order to exfoliate it and remove the dead skin to prevent the bacteria from flourishing.

2.Anti Fungal Creams/Powders

If your feet sweat or smell too much you must regularly use anti fungal creams or powders after cleaning your feet, at the heel area and between the toes.

3.Toe Nails

Cut your toe nails regularly and keep them short at least in the monsoons when there’s a chance of grime, bacteria and filth to gather inside the nail.


Try and use waterproof footwear as much as possible during monsoons however, if your footwear is wet do not stash it in the rack right away rather give it time to dry and then put it inside. Also, make sure you wash your shoes at regular intervals; putting baking/talcum powder in your shoes can help if your shoes smell; a tea bag can also be used to solve the smell problem; also whenever the sun comes out make sure you keep your footwear in the sun as sun is a natural remedy to kill germs and bacteria.

5.Hot Water Fomentation

Once a week, you can do a warm/hot water fomentation. Simply add salt or a mild shampoo to the hot/warm water tub and soak your feet for 10-15 minutes, if you want you could use an exfoliator or pumice stone thereafter. If your feet are smelly you could also add lemon or orange essential oil or simply lime juice. After that you need to wipe your feet dry and apply a moisturizer or simply coconut oil, massage it well on your feet for 2-3minutes. This will not only prevent fungal infections and bacteria from breeding but will keep your feet moisturized and also de-stress and relax the muscles of your body and you will wake up fresh in the morning.

6. Moisturize

Moisturize your feet on a daily basis, whenever you take a shower, clean your feet thoroughly and thereafter apply moisturizer. You could also use coconut oil or olive oil instead of a moisturizer that has chemicals in it.

7. Do not-

Go for any spa treatments or pedicures especially fish pedicures because in monsoons, it gets difficult to maintain hygiene and cleanliness and you never know the places you think of as cleanest or best, could be the biggest breeding grounds of bacteria.

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