Refined sugar is one of the most inescapable additions to our daily diet. We use sugar to enhance the taste of any food, be it tea, juice, cake, or sweets. Do you know that although it gives a pleasant feeling to our mind, it can harm the body in many ways if not consumed in moderation? Recently, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Center for Nutrition jointly released new Dietary Guidelines for Indians. According to the report, it suggests reducing sugar and salt intake and using seed-based oils instead of cooking oils.
Eating more processed foods high in sugar and salt and less physical activity contributes to micronutrient deficiencies and obesity, the report further said. The report also recommends that Indians consume only 20 to 25 grams of sugar per day.
Consuming too much sugar can have many side effects. That’s why many recommend avoiding sugar altogether or eating it in moderation. Now let’s look at the health effects of consuming too much sugar:
Affects muscle proteins: Excess sugar intake increases glucose-6 phosphate in the body. This is the main cause of changes in muscle proteins in the heart. This can lead to heart failure.
Ageing of cells: A 2009 study suggests that excessive glucose intake causes cells and the brain to age faster.
Affects the immune system: When sugar is consumed in excess, endorphins are released in the body, which weakens the immune system.
Generates cancer-causing compounds: Eating sugar increases bile acid in the stool and causes the formation of compounds that can cause colon cancer and other cancers.
Sagging of the tissues: Frequent consumption of white sugar can cause the tissues to sag, and their functions will decrease.
Affects muscle strength: Consuming too much sugar during pregnancy can affect the muscle production of the foetus and may impair the ability of the baby to exercise after birth.
Decreased activity of blood proteins: Frequent consumption of sugar affects the activity of two blood proteins, namely albumin and lipoprotein. This makes it difficult to deal with fat and cholesterol in the body.
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