CHENNAI: Stressing on the need for innovation in the areas of disease prevention and the adhering government policies, Thomas R Frieden, Director, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said that he found the health related policies adopted by the government of Tamil Nadu “impressive”. Delivering a lecture on how public health is integral to economic growth and national progress, Frieden said, “The state government here has made efforts to upgrade labs at a district level. This is a commendable move as it forms a very good data collection model at every level,” he said.He indicated that such a model followed in most Indian states formed the basis of the Global Disease Detection Centre and the Epidemic Intelligence Service, set up by the National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) with their assistance in New Delhi. The services would be expected to become a reality by the first quarter of 2012, he added. “The major function of these agencies would be to employ epidemiologists. They will track and stop epidemics by monitoring the data feed of patients at all levels.Frieden reiterated that the Indian model of handling Tuberculosis was a model that the world could follow. And also added that the Tuberculosis Research Centre, Chennai, had made impressive contributions that have led to the continued control of the once-dreaded disease. “A sound public health system is the basis of any progressive society. Only collective action and spreading information can make a difference in developing societies,” he said.Quoting studies conducted, Frieden also pointed out that non-communicable diseases were the largest mortal threat for young Indians going into the next few decades. “It is estimated that by 2020, four times as many young adults will be killed by non-communicable diseases, unless smoking, diabetes and obesity were curbed effectively.”
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