Jaya sues daily for defamation
Jaya sues daily for defamation
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsChief Minister J Jayalalithaa has filed another defamation complaint against English daily ‘Times of India’, for publishing an article under the caption ‘TN gives its drivers a licence to kill’’ on its first page on August 25 last.The complaint stated that the news item was prima facie libelous. The writer made it appear that the government was not taking steps to avert road accidents. It gave an impression that the CM was not concerned with the safety of the people travelling on the road and many rash drivers were let off scot-free without cancelling their licences. The caption itself invited any person’s attention giving an impression that there was lack of safety on the roads.The news item was published with an intent to harm the CM’s reputation, the complaint added.first published:August 29, 2012, 08:37 ISTlast updated:August 29, 2012, 08:37 IST 
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Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has filed another defamation complaint against English daily ‘Times of India’, for publishing an article under the caption ‘TN gives its drivers a licence to kill’’ on its first page on August 25 last.

The complaint stated that the news item was prima facie libelous. The writer made it appear that the government was not taking steps to avert road accidents. It gave an impression that the CM was not concerned with the safety of the people travelling on the road and many rash drivers were let off scot-free without cancelling their licences. The caption itself invited any person’s attention giving an impression that there was lack of safety on the roads.

The news item was published with an intent to harm the CM’s reputation, the complaint added.

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