The suckermouth catfish is a tropical freshwater fish which carries little or no value as a food fish. The demand for tropical freshwater fish as the bottom cleaner in the aquarium trade. Despite the low value of this fish as food, once found in freshwater can cause damage to the ecosystem. It has been recently spotted in a river in Hantapara of Alipurduar district of West Bengal. From environmentalists to researchers, everyone is concerned. Not only Hantapara, this fish has also been seen in the Torsha River as per the environmentalists. Most people know this fish as crocodile fish but its scientific name is Hypostomus plecostomus.
It is an ornamental fish. It is kept in the aquarium to enhance the decoration of the house. It is kept alone. When mixed with other fish, crocodile fish take the role of killer. Even this fish has to be carefully fed. After the incident of spotting the suckermouth fish, the researcher and teacher Abhideep Hazra said, “This fish was found in South American canals and rivers. These are called ornamental fish. Usually cleans the aquarium dirt. But they become dangerous when released into the river. The fishes grow in length and width. Then the balance of the river is disturbed. If this fish is not immediately rescued from the river in the district, the river fish will not survive.”
The majority is concerned about how this fish got into the river in Duars. Experts believe that if these fish are not rescued from the river soon, they will multiply and damage the river’s ecosystem. Due to this fish, endangered riverine fishes of Duars such as Darkini, Sheela and others will face the danger of endangerment. It can also cause problems for the fish lovers. The depletion of the fish will lead to the loss of delicacies of fish. It can also damage the ecosystem.
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