London: Facebook has suspended the account of a woman who shares her name with Prince William's future bride, Kate Middleton, accusing her of being an impostor.
Healthcare assistant Kate Middleton, 29, was locked out by the social network website that claimed she had registered under a fake name.
Middleton, who lives in Kingsway, Northamptonshire, has complained to Facebook but they have refused to back down, the Daily Mail reported.
"I still can't get on, I've had no contact from Facebook about the situation or what they are going to do," she said.
"On Thursday, I was logged in as usual all day, then I went out in the evening with friends and got a call from my partner saying he couldn't see me there any more. I thought nothing of it but later that evening I came home and tried to log in but got an error message that said it had been disabled."
Despite repeated attempts to reset the account and contact Facebook, Kate has been unable to log back in.
"I have pictures of my nephew there who is growing up, and all my contacts. Some of those people I haven't seen for 15 years since I was at school. I don't know if they ever do let me back in whether that will be saved."
"I'm trying to arrange a 30th birthday party in February and now I can't get in touch with half the people. They should have got in touch with me first, asked me to contact them within a set period of time and prove who I was," she said.
"Surely anyone with the misfortune of sharing a name with a major celebrity and a Facebook profile must surely also face the risk of being labelled a fake?" she said.
Facebook, which has nearly 600 million users worldwide, has refused to back down.
"The account was disabled because the name under which it was registered was fake," a spokesman said.
"We do not allow users to register with fake names, to impersonate any person or entity, or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent themselves or their affiliations."
"We take this standard very seriously and remove fake accounts as we become aware of them," he said.
William is due to wed 'his' Kate Middleton April 29.
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