China to turn atomic bomb test base into tourism site
China to turn atomic bomb test base into tourism site
China detonated its first atomic bomb in the desert near Malan on October 16, 1964.

Beijing: China will turn a deserted nuclear experiment base, where the country's first atomic bomb was detonated more than half a century ago, into a "red tourism" site. About $944,88 will be invested to turn the Malan Base in the restive Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region into a "red tourism" site, state-run Xinhua news agency on Monday reported quoting a local official.

Labs and dormitories used by the nuclear scientists, as well as a 300-meter anti-air strike tunnel, will be preserved, said the official said. China detonated its first atomic bomb in the desert near Malan on October 16, 1964.

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