Awareness heals and thwarts calamities
Awareness heals and thwarts calamities
Time and tide wait for none. You might have heard this proverb being told to you whenever you indulge in laziness and procrastinat..

Time and tide wait for none. You might have heard this proverb being told to you whenever you indulge in laziness and procrastination. If you realise time is a magnificent force that is available to you right where and when you are, you can work miracles in your life by doing the right thing at the right time and avoiding the wrong actions and words when it is not your time!The whole science of astrology is based on the movement of the planets and constellations. How can something so far away influence my life? This can be your question. The moon is so far away from the earth. The earth is composed of 72 per cent water. Yet, when the moon is closer to the earth, it lifts the water high, causing a high tide. When the pull is not there, the tides are low. For your information, we human beings are attached to this same earth and move around its outer cover and we also have the same percentage of water in us.If a small planet as the moon can have so much of an influence on the earth’s major part, what needs to be mentioned about the influence of bigger and heavier planets such as Jupiter and Saturn. Knowledge of our position in the universe in respect to the planets and the influential constellations in space around the earth can help us to do the right thing at the right time on a day-to-day basis.The problem with our use of astrology is that, for most, it is just a past time and light reading to know of what qualities we have and what qualities are best to be seen in life partners. Astrologers are consulted at the time of marriages and other important rituals a few times in one’s life time. To be aware of the time the sun rises, the best times of the day you cantake up some important job such as studying, purchasing anything from metals to land, going for an interview, attending an important discussion and to know when to avoid doing all important activities helps to plan your day well in advance. Friendsand relatives don’t help as much as the day and planets do, says a Tamil proverb. Your awareness increases with knowledge of this mammoth energy of time that surrounds you like a web all your life. For instance, if your purse was picked on January 27 this year, the incident happened because of the planetary and stellar positions around that time that were not favourable to you. The sun comes back to the same position with all the planets exactly after a year.Being aware of previous year’s incident will help you to be more conscious and aware when the time approaches. Awarenessthwarts calamities. Awareness heals. Awareness gives you strength and clarity to handle situations better and use your time purposefully.

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