An Odd Solution on the roads of Delhi that will create Even more problems!
An Odd Solution on the roads of Delhi that will create Even more problems!

While a major section in the media that sets the narrative for the country is in support of the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's 'master plan' to tackle pollution, I as a citizen, am amazed as to how we as a nation, through our visionless elected representatives have reduced the debate on complex issues to black and white answers.

It happened earlier with the rape in Delhi, where the only solution that was 'highlighted ' was hanging or castrating the rapist. On shows after shows, I saw a mob mentality on television debates that wanted nothing more than immediate death for the accused.

On one television show, an ex-mayor of Delhi, even suggested stoning the accused. Barely in the noise did I hear, discussions, on a women's sovereign right to her body including respecting the choices she makes. Little did we read, that most rape offenses in India are committed by immediate family or those very close to the family and making hanging the only punishment will actually disincentive a woman, from reporting the horrific offence. There were hardly any talk shows on what trauma a girl who is violated has to undergo.

Or issues of gender equality. In Parliament one actress MP, even put up a masterful performance with tears, never mind her own daughter in law was alleged to have been married to a tree, an allegation the family or the daughter in law has never refused. Everywhere, almost like a mob, the only thing we heard was chants of 'Hang them'.

And now we come to the odd even logic. Has the Chief Minister even thought this one through?

My first thoughts point to if there are any surveys conducted which show cars cause the most pollution ? Do cars cause even more pollution than diesel generators in people's homes, offices and factories or even industrial emissions for that matter.

Two,what about government cars including those of excise, police ? Some of those vans, vehicles are very polluting, throwing out black fumes. What is the chief ministers proposal to tackle them?

Third,what happens to trucks that come into Delhi from other states? Are we going to make them wait on the border? Has the Chief Minister calculated the fuel loss, of trucks waiting at a border till they are checked for odd even numbers. Has the office of the Chief Minister calculated how trucks being made to wait for a day, will impact inflation, that will ultimately hit the 'Aam Admi'. If trucks are not included in the odd even logic, is the Chief Minister suggesting, that trucks are less polluting than cars? Has any survey been done to compare the pollution caused by trucks in delhi versus cars.

Fourth ,What happens to cars from other states? And I'm not talking of the NCR region here. As someone who likes to travel, I know many people who often embark upon car journeys. What if I want to drive from Mumbai to Delhi and spend a few days in Delhi. What happens if different cities implement different schemes or days for cars. How then does one go across their own country? Shouldn't something like this in the national capital call for involvement from even the central government, who anyway have the police, that will be needed to implement this rather immature solution.

Fifth As a girl, If I am working at an office that requires me to put in long hours, even if I were to take a car that was based on the odd even logic, while returning post 12 am, it is another day, what plans does the chief minister have for that? Or does a girl resort to walking home or gamble her safety waiting for public transportation at unearthly hours? What safety measures does he propose for our security?

Sixth, what about the police that will, harass citizens returning post 12, so the odd even number has changed and indulge in corruption? Will there be any measures to keep the system clean & ethical?

Seventh, if a girl wants to attend a wedding, or a function or even a party and intends to return late night, does Mr Kejriwal expect her to use the inadequately unpredictable public transport system, with all that jewellery or in 'western' clothes? Forget female oriented transportation, Let us ask first, if there is any public transport available in the night?

Eight, as someone who has travelled and studied in various cities across the world, the one distinguishing feature as opposed to Delhi was the well connected 24 hour public transport where safety is guaranteed. As a girl,I could hop into a late night bus or The Underground in London/New York and no one would judge me and I was assured of safety. Forget restaurants and bars, can a girl coming from work or a wedding be guaranteed safety in Delhi's public transport, if it operates in the night that is !

Lastly I'm not into politics, but I do know, that the Rickshaw drivers voted Mr Kejriwal en mass. Won't this policy, help his 'vote bank'? Won't they resort to extortion and we have seen in the past, how reluctant the Chief Minister is to act against them. What about senior citizens or the differently abled ? Will there be any exceptions or measures taken for their convenience?

While I do believe, that Delhi is chocking and something drastic needs to be done, the problem is a very complex one. The solution proposed by the Chief Minister is not going to make any significant difference. What we require is a nuanced debate, in Parliament, in the assembly (where the CM has a huge mandate, so instead of just towing his diktat his MLAs should be allowed to speak their minds) and in the public sphere. All aspects must be debated, balanced and only then can we reach a solution. The odd-even formula may have the right intentions but I fear, it will create more problems, including environmental (if trucks are made to queue up before the border) and corruption."

(Monicka Vadera is a leading jewellery designer, a working girl and an animal lover. She writes, just as she cooks, from her heart! The article represents her personal views and not that of Network18)

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