What Does “I Want to Be with You so Badly” Mean?
What Does “I Want to Be with You so Badly” Mean?
Ever hear “I want to be with you so badly” from a guy and not know how to respond? What does he mean by that, anyway? Well, he likely means that he feels really emotionally close to you or that you turn him on—or both! We’ll go over it in more depth in the article below, and we’ll also offer advice on how to reply to the guy in person or over text, whether you’re into him…or not!
“I want to be with you so badly” Meaning

What does “I want to be with you so badly” mean?

“I feel a strong emotional attachment to you.” If a guy tells you he “wants to be with you so badly,” he may be trying to tell you he craves your company because he feels really close to you.

“I feel intense physical desire for you.” “I want to be with you so badly” could indicate he wants to be sexually intimate with you (or at least have a good solid makeout sesh).

Both of the above! “I want to be with you so badly” could indicate strong emotional and sexual feelings. If you’ve been out with someone a number of times and things are heating up, or if you’ve been away from your partner and are missing each other, one of you might say, “I want to be with you so badly” to indicate the intensity of your feelings.

How to Respond to “I want to be with you so badly”

If you feel the same, let him know. If you suspect he’s interested romantically and sexually and the feeling is mutual, reply in an equally sexy way. “I know, I want you so much it hurts.” “I can’t stop thinking about you.” "You're the only one for me."

If you’re not feeling it, let him down firmly but kindly. Maybe you heard these words from a date you just didn’t have sparks with, or from someone you see as just a friend. Shut him down firmly, but try to be kind, if possible. “You know, I really love your company, but I don’t think I see us as more than friends.” “It was great getting to know you, but I don’t think I feel the same way about you.” “I had a good time tonight, but I don’t think there will be another date. I wish you well.”

If you want to slow things down, make it clear. Maybe you’re really into this guy, but you suspect he’s ready to take things up a notch, and you’re not quite ready for that. Let him know you’re feelin’ it, but you’d like to see where things go before moving faster. “I love being with you, but I’m glad we’re taking things slow for now.” “I can’t wait to see where this goes, but I don’t want to rush into it.” “Me too, but this is something really special, and I don’t want to mess it up by going too fast too soon.”

How to Interpret “I want to be with you so badly”

Take note of his body language. If you’re not sure whether he means “I feel emotionally close” or “I want to sleep with you,” carefully observe his body language. If he’s more flirty, you’re probably safe to interpret the sentence as sexual, whereas if he’s a little more physically withdrawn, he may not mean it in a sexual way. Is he leaning toward you, making direct eye contact, or licking his lips? These are signs he may be physically interested in you. Another sign of sexual interest is physical touching: does he lightly tap or stroke your shoulder? Is he holding your hand? Alternatively, if his body language is more reserved, he may just mean to convey emotional affection. Also remember that a guy might say this when he finds you physically attractive but isn't ready to take things to that level yet!

Consider your conversation leading up to this. Are you talking to a friend who you haven’t seen in a while about how much you miss them, or are you texting after a hot date with your new beau? For instance, if you say, “I’m going to see the new Twisters movie tonight” and he says, “I want to be with you so badly!” he might just mean he wishes he could see the movie with you. On the other hand, if a guy you went out with last night texts you to tell you how great you looked in your dress and follows it with, “I want to be with you so badly ????” it might be a sign he’s into you in a romantic and sexual way. On that note, check for emoji usage—if he pairs the text with a sexy emoji, like ???? (eggplant), ???? (tulip), ???? (peach), ???? (water droplets), ???? (hot panting face), or ???? (face with tongue out), he might be a li’l turned on. But if he pairs it with a ❤️ (heart), ???? (kiss), or other affectionate emoji, he might just be being romantic, and not necessarily sexual.

Similar Phrases

There are other ways to express this sentiment. Want to change up your flirting lexicon? Try these similar phrases: I want you so badly it hurts. I can't breathe when I'm around you. I can't get you off of my mind.

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