What Causes Sexual Attraction? The Science Behind the Urges
What Causes Sexual Attraction? The Science Behind the Urges
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Sexual Attraction at a Glance

What is sexual attraction?

Sexual attraction is a type of interpersonal attraction that makes someone desire sexual contact or show sexual interest in another person. Sexual attraction is determined by a variety of biological, psychological, and other factors and may change over time for some people. It’s just one type of attraction you might feel for someone else and plays a large part in determining your sexual orientation. For example: If you feel sexual attraction to the same gender, you may be homosexual, while those who feel sexually attracted to the opposite gender are heterosexual. You may also be sexually attracted to more than one gender, like men and women (bisexual), or people of any and all genders (pansexual). If you experience little to no sexual attraction to anyone, you may be asexual (feeling no sexual attraction to any gender), demisexual (feeling sexual attraction after making an emotional connection with somebody), or gray-A (somewhere on the spectrum of asexual and allosexual, or someone who feels sexual attraction). Note: Sexual attraction and sexuality are fluid, nuanced, and very personal. We’re covering sexual attraction pretty broadly in this article, so remember that your unique experiences and feelings of sexual attraction are valid, too!

What factors influence sexual attraction?

Biological factors From a physiological perspective, sexual attraction is pretty complex. A variety of influences come together to determine who you find alluring, such as: Adrenaline and arousal: Your attraction to someone is usually stronger if you’re already stimulated or excited about something. In a famous study, male participants walking over a fear-inducing suspension bridge found themselves more attracted to the female host of the experiment than those who walked over a “safe” bridge. Natural scents and pheromones: Humans emit pheromones, or chemical signals, through their sweat, saliva, and even urine. While you can’t really identify a pheromone smell, your body can still pick up the scent and gather information about the person like their sexual arousal, hormone levels, or even fertility. Some studies even show that the natural scents you’re attracted to come from people with immune strengths that you may lack. Hormones: Your levels of hormones like testosterone can impact your libido and the amount of sexual attraction you feel, while other hormones like oxytocin (the “love hormone”) influences how you bond with others. Neurotransmitters: Chemicals like dopamine and serotonin increase when you’re sexually attracted to someone, making you feel good when you feel attraction. People with lower levels of these chemicals may feel less attraction, but it varies person to person.

Psychological factors Besides your physical response to someone, there are a number of ways your mind shapes attraction, too. These include things like: Your mood: When you’re in a positive mood, you’re more likely to be interested in or attracted to people you meet. Similar values and qualities: In general, you’re more likely to be attracted to someone who you have lots in common with. It could be physical things (like a tall person dating other tall people), but also your beliefs, experiences, and values. Complementary characteristics: If your differences with someone support one another (for example, one partner is an introvert and the other is an extrovert), then these differences can be as important to attraction as your similarities. (Note that characteristics and qualities are two separate but related things.) Attachment style: You’re more attracted to people who show the same attachment style you’re used to from previous relationships or encounters (this is why you might find yourself always dating the same kinds of partners). Scarcity: When you don’t have many options of partners to choose from, you’re more likely to be attracted to who’s available (even if you normally wouldn’t be as into them).

Social, personal, and other factors Even with some biological or psychological predispositions, sexual attraction is still wildly different from person to person based on their experiences and preferences: Alcohol consumption: Alcohol lowers your inhibitions and increases the likelihood you’ll be attracted to someone around you. Cultural preferences: Different cultures tend to idealize different physical attributes as attractive (for example, Western cultures view thinness as generally attractive while other cultures value curves more). Religious and social expectations can also play a role in who you find attractive. Appearance: Appearing fit and healthy is considered attractive in many cultures, even though physical fitness and health are not always related. In general, positive qualities like fitness are associated with being attractive. Age: Studies show that how sexually attractive you feel and how sexually attractive you find others can change as you grow older, with everyone developing different preferences.

Pheromones & Sexual Attraction

What are pheromones? Pheromones are chemical signals that leave the body and can be sensed by a member of the same species, usually to alter their mood or behavior. They can play a role in attraction, social interactions, and even your feelings! They basically act like hormones outside of your body and affect others instead of yourself. In other species, pheromones are sensed by an organ in the nose called the vomeronasal organ (VNO). Humans technically have this organ too, but it’s mostly nonfunctional after birth. However, humans can still detect and interpret pheromones through their regular sense of smell.

Do humans give off pheromones? Yes! Humans release pheromones through bodily fluids like sweat, urine, saliva, and even your breath. However, grooming practices like shaving, strong perfumes, or certain hygiene products can mask these pheromones, reducing their impact. That’s why people turn to pheromone products like Eye of Love—these products are designed to enhance and amplify your natural signals, ensuring you make a stronger impression and increase sexual attraction. Eye of Love is the leading global luxury pheromone brand, igniting passion worldwide with ethically sourced pheromones that are vegan and cruelty-free. Their inclusive range of products caters to all, with fragrances designed to enhance connections across all attractions, including LGBTQIA+ relationships, ensuring everyone can experience the power of pheromones. Need to attract him? Eye of Love’s pheromone perfumes, hair oils, massage candles, and more sensual products are designed to amplify your natural allure and boost your confidence, making you irresistible. One to two sprays on your chest area will reel him in in no time. Shop Eye of Love’s Attract Him products today. Want to attract her? Eye of Love’s colognes, beard and body oils, and massage candles come in a variety of captivating scents to deepen your connection and enchant her in an instant. Shop Eye of Love’s Attract Her products now.

What do pheromones smell like? Pheromones themselves are odorless, as they are chemical compounds designed for communication rather than having a discernible scent. When people refer to the scent of pheromones in products like perfumes, they are typically describing the accompanying fragrances added to enhance the overall product, as opposed to the pheromones themselves. In addition to artfully scented perfumes and colognes, Eye of Love also sells unscented pheromones—perfect for layering with your favorite scent for a touch of je ne sais quoi.

Do pheromone perfumes or colognes really work? Studies have shown that pheromones can help others to see you as more open, attractive, charismatic, and easy to talk to. They can facilitate conversations, interest, and create enhanced friendly feelings. For best results, apply just below the neckline and wrists where you have your sweat glands. Results can vary from person to person, but testimonials report boosted attractiveness and approachability. Eye of Love products are typically effective for 6–8 hours, but exact results depend on factors such as skin type, application, and the specific product.

What is the main ingredient in pheromone perfume and cologne? The most common pheromone ingredients are estratetraenol and androstenol. These pheromones are combined in specific concentrations to enhance their effects. Eye of Love blends these ingredients with high-quality fragrances to create products designed to boost your attraction and impact. Choose the right combination for you from Eye of Love to achieve your desires and awaken your senses.

What does sexual attraction feel like?

Sexual attraction feels like an internal urge to have sex with someone, usually accompanied by physical sensations or arousal. It’s like other urges you might have, like the urge to eat; you feel a deep need to have food, frequently accompanied by the physical sensation of a rumbling stomach. Similarly, a sexual attraction to someone might come with feelings like: Being magnetically “drawn” to a person. Feeling like your eyes are stuck on them, making it hard to concentrate on other things. Wanting to be as physically close to the person as possible. A desire for skin-to-skin contact that can naturally escalate into sex. Feeling physical symptoms of sexual arousal, like an increased heart rate and stimulated genitals. For personal accounts of what sexual attraction feels like, check out these first-person POVs from The Asexuality Handbook.

Knowing if Someone’s Sexually Attracted to You

People show sexual attraction differently, but there are common signs to look for. Physically, they look for reasons to get (appropriately) touchy, like putting a hand on your shoulder after telling a joke or wanting to hug when you greet or leave them. They’ll also frequently make eye contact with you, smile a lot when you’re around, lick their lips, or even start subconsciously mirroring your movements (for example, leaning in during a conversation if you lean in first). In terms of behavior, they might also give you frequent compliments, make adjustments to their appearance when you’re near, get nervous around you, make flirty jokes, check you out, or look for excuses to be alone or spend time with you. More subtle signs could include things like initiating deep or personal conversations or simply a hard-to-define feeling of sexual tension between the two of you.

How to Feel More Confident & Sexually Attractive

There’s no “correct” way to be more attractive since sexual attraction is so subjective. No two people will find all the exact same qualities attractive, so try not to get hung up on specific aspects of your appearance or personality. However, there are a few general things you can do that are fairly widely considered attractive, both sexually and in other ways. Here are some ways to feel more confident and alluring: Use grooming or makeup to make your face more symmetrical. We’re not 100% sure why, but the only almost-universally attractive trait is a symmetrical face. For example, you might trim your facial hair or use an eyebrow pencil or other cosmetics to make one side of your face a mirror image of the other. Try working on your sense of humor. Being funny is a way to show off your intelligence, creativity, and personality, and studies show an association between humor and perceived attractiveness. Don’t play too hard to get. Research shows that we tend to like people who like us back (both sexually and personally). This doesn’t mean you have to flatter everyone you meet or present yourself as “easy”—just be your genuine, sometimes selective self so that it means something when you share that you’re into someone. Level up your scent with Eye of Love. Find an irresistible fragrance to attract him, her, or anyone with their Attract All products for any gender. Take good care of yourself. Eat a healthy diet, try to exercise regularly, and make time for self-care and improvement. You’ll look and feel your best, but more importantly, you’ll radiate self-control, balance, and discipline (all attractive traits). Live a rich life for yourself. Pursue your passions and hobbies, focus on what brings you joy, and try not to second-guess your choices. Confidence and a sense of purpose are attractive!

Other Types of Attraction

There are many types of attraction you can feel besides sexual attraction. While sexual attraction can be a powerful motivator to get to know or develop feelings for someone, it isn’t the only feeling that can draw you into another person. You may experience a combination of multiple attractions to someone, or you may primarily feel only one or two. These include things like: Romantic attraction: the desire to bond with another person in the hopes of developing an emotional connection and/or closer relationship. Emotional attraction: feeling drawn to someone’s interests, values, beliefs, mind, and spirit. You want to feel seen and heard by the person and experience their rough, vulnerable side. Physical (visual or aesthetic) attraction: an appreciation for someone’s physical features or overall appearance that draws you in. This may lead to sexual or romantic attraction, but is not inherently sexual or romantic by itself. Intellectual (mental) attraction: an appreciation for someone’s thoughts, ideas, opinions, sense of humor, or personality. You may crave conversation with them and look for common interests. Sensual attraction: the desire to touch or physically interact with someone in a non-sexual way, like hugging or cuddling.

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