Upside-Down Cross Symbolism: What Does It Really Mean?
Upside-Down Cross Symbolism: What Does It Really Mean?
So, you’ve seen an upside-down cross tattoo. Maybe it’s on a friend, coworker, or internet stranger. Either way, you’re left with one question: What does it mean? Upside-down or inverted cross tattoos can have multiple meanings based on placement and someone’s religious beliefs. They can be a symbol of Christianity, atheism, or demonic practices. Read on to learn the history behind this fascinating symbol and how it might translate into a tattoo’s meaning.

Keep in mind that tattoos can mean many things! One person’s tattoo may not mean the same as someone else’s, and that’s okay. Tattoos are very personal, and the meanings and interpretations below are only the most common possibilities.
What does an inverted cross symbolize?

What does an upside-down cross mean?

In Christianity, an upside-down cross symbolizes humility and hope. Also known as the Cross of St. Peter or Petrine Cross, an inverted cross is based on the story of the apostle Peter, who was crucified upside down. While Peter was a loyal follower of Christ, he was sometimes rash, fearful, and unfaithful. But Jesus loved him all the same. Because of this, the inverted cross is a sign of humility for Christians—Peter had his faults, but he was always humble. Peter was one of the first followers of Jesus and a pillar of the church; he was referred to as the “rock” by Jesus: “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). There’s no scriptural witness to Peter’s crucifixion, but it’s believed that he wanted to be crucified upside down because he was unworthy to be crucified the same way as Jesus. If someone has an inverted cross tattooed, it may mean they’re a Christian who feels a connection to Peter’s story.

An upside-down cross can be an anti-Christian symbol. The first person to wear this symbol was 19th-century occult leader Eugéne Vintras, who claimed to be the reincarnation of the Prophet Elijah. He read and preached the Acts of Peter as a war against a Saint and a sorcerer. The inverted cross was a symbol of Vintras’ new faith going against traditional Christianity. Vintras’ practice of demonic rituals and witchcraft led the symbol to soon be associated with the occult, atheism, and Satan. This is one of the most common meanings today, as the symbol often appears on necklaces and t-shirts with anti-Christian propaganda. If someone has an upside-down cross tattooed, it might mean they’re an atheist or a member of the occult.

An inverted cross may signal demonic activity. Over the years, the Cross of St. Peter has found its way into pop culture, specifically in horror movies. Movies like The Omen and The Conjuring feature crosses turning upside down to symbolize that a demon or evil spirit is near. If someone has this symbol tattooed, it may be because they have a connection with demonic activity or are a fan of horror movies.

Upside-Down Cross Tattoo Interpretations

Where someone places an upside-down cross tattoo could affect the symbol’s overall meaning. Every tattoo is individual and has a personal meaning; however, here are the most common placements and spiritual interpretations: On face: A tattoo on the head or face could be a sign of consciousness or spiritual enlightenment. An inverted cross on the face, therefore, might mean someone feels closer to God or the devil. Under eye: A tattoo near the eye is often seen as a representation of perceptions. An upside-down cross under the eye could be a gang sign to show loyalty or a depiction of seeing things through an atheist lens. Behind ear: A tattoo behind the ear is usually associated with communication. An inverted cross behind the ear could symbolize blocking out Christianity or Satanism. On hand: A tattoo on the hand can symbolize spiritual creativity and action. An upside-down cross on the hand may signify loyalty to St. Peter or the occult. Know that tattoo placements don’t necessarily have a specific meaning—that’s all up to the individual.

Similar Tattoo Designs

While not every symbol has contrasting meanings, plenty of other tattoos have Christian or atheist interpretations. Check out these other common symbols that are popular tattoos: The Cross: A right-side-up cross signifies Christianity, hope, love, and faith. Ichthys: The Christian fish symbol represents Jesus Christ and faith. Crown of Thorns: An image of a circle or halo of thorns symbolizes Christianity and Jesus’ crucifixion and sacrifice. A Cross and Crown: This symbolizes an award that’s waiting in heaven for believers of Christ. The Letter A: An “A” inside a circle symbolizes atheism. Pentagram: A star inside a circle can represent witchcraft or Satanic worship.

What is an upside-down tattoo?

An upside-down tattoo is a tattoo that faces the wearer. Sometimes, a cross tattoo can look upside-down to you but may be right-side-up for the wearer. This can change the tattoo's meaning depending on who’s looking at it. While you see the symbol as upside-down, they do not. Tattoos are ultimately for the wearer, and how they desire to see the image will determine the overall placement and position. For example, say someone has a cross tattoo on the inside of their wrist. The end of the cross may point towards their elbow. To them, the cross is right-side-up. To anyone else, it is upside-down.

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