How to Play Drunk Jenga (With 90+ Block Prompts)
How to Play Drunk Jenga (With 90+ Block Prompts)
Drunk Jenga is college party go-to, combining the precision stacking of Jenga with alcohol and rowdy dares. What’s not to love? All you need is a Jenga set, a pen, some drinks, and as many players as you want. We’ll show you how to set up and play, as well as give you loads of prompt ideas to write on your blocks that’ll make for a wild time you won’t soon forget.
Drunk Jenga Overview

Drunk Jenga Setup & Rules

Write a dare or rule on each block of a Jenga set. First, dump those Jenga blocks out onto the table and get writing! Each block gets a dare, new rule, or mini drinking game, and there are 54 blocks, so it’s helpful to have a pal help out. Or, save it for the party and let your guests make their own prompts. Of course, we’ve also compiled tons of prompts below, to make it easier. For example, one classic prompt is “Waterfall,” where every player has to waterfall (or drink without touching their mouth to their beverage) for 5 seconds. Pen or permanent marker works best for writing on the wood Jenga blocks. Just be sure you’re alright with defacing them. Write the name of the prompt on one side of the block, and the directions for the prompt on the other.

Build the Jenga tower in perpendicular rows of 3. If you’ve ever played Jenga, you know how this goes. Lay 3 blocks on the table, side by side. Then, lay 3 more on top of them, with this new trio rotated 90° from (or perpendicular to) the last. Keep building the tower until you run out of blocks.

Take turns removing blocks and performing the prompts. Going clockwise around the table, each player takes a turn trying to finagle a Jenga block out of the tower (but not from the top 3 rows). If they’re successful, they read the prompt on the block aloud, then perform it. After, they stack the block on top of the tower in the typical fashion—perpendicular to the top row. Play with as many players as you want, just keep in mind that the more players you have, the fewer turns each player will get to take. With huge groups, some players may not get to take a turn, but you can always play multiple rounds. Let the youngest player go first (just make sure they’re of drinking age).

Chug if you knock down the tower! The player who topples the tower while trying to remove a block has to chug their drink. Then, it’s time to reassemble the tower and play another round!

Drinking Prompts

Whenever someone pulls a block with one of these prompts, someone has to drink, whether it’s the block puller, their neighbor, or everyone at the table. Some involve mini drinking games, while others are just straight shots. These blocks get the party going, so we recommend using at least 20 of them in your Jenga set. Take 5 sips: The player who pulled this block must take 5 sips of their drink. Give 5 sips: Tell another player to take 5 sips. Election Day: Everyone votes for 1 player, who must finish their drink. Waterfall: Everyone at the table waterfalls their drink for 5 seconds. Bottoms up!: Finish your drink. Don’t blink: Have a staring contest with the player directly across the table. Whoever loses drinks. Cup of sugar: The player’s neighbors (the people to their left and right) both drink. Toast! Toast! Toast!: The player must make an over-the-top toast for at least 30 seconds, and then everyone drinks. Heaven/Hell: Everyone must point up (heaven) or down (hell). Last player to do so drinks. Geography class: Assign 1 drink per player for every foreign country you can name in 5 seconds. Single ladies: Single players drink. Wedding invite: Coupled players drink. Spelling bee: The group votes on a word the player must spell correctly. If they don’t, they drink. Think fast: Toss the block to the player across the table. If they drop it, they drink. Peep show: Give a drink to every player you’ve seen naked. Witch’s brew: Everyone else creates a mystery shot that you must drink. Flip Cup: Play a mini round of Flip Cup. You get 3 tries to flip an empty solo cup upright. If you fail, drink. Full ride: Name a college degree. Anyone with that degree, or pursuing that degree, drinks. Righty: Right-handed players drink. Lefty: Left-handed players drink. Tallest: Tallest player drinks. Shortest: Shorted player drinks. Shooting range: Everyone takes a shot. Hospitality: Host drinks. Freeloader: Guests drink. Proposal: Choose another player to drink with you. Double up: Take 2 drinks. Then, the next drink, from any source, is doubled. Twinning: Choose another player to drink whenever you drink for the rest of the game. Take a drink now. Karaoke: Sing along to whatever song is playing right now for the next 30 seconds (or have someone put on a song). If you mess up the words, drink.

Dare Prompts

These prompts give the player who pulled them an action to perform, like taking a lap around the block or swapping shirts with someone else. If a player ever doesn’t want to perform a dare prompt they pulled, they can chug for 5 seconds, instead. Google it: Share your most recent Google or internet search with the table. Hi Mom!: Call your mom on speaker phone. Tightrope: The player must walk in a straight line (like on a sidewalk crack or chalk line) for 10 ft (3.0 m). If they fumble, they drink. Influencer: The group decides what the player has to post to their Snapchat or Instagram story. Have a snack: Take a bite. Of anything. You earned it. Top up: Switch shirts (or tops) with the player to your right. Fresh ink: Let the player next to you give you a Sharpie tattoo of whatever they like, wherever they like. Paparazzi: Show everyone the last photo on your camera roll. Wiretap: Read aloud the last text you sent. Spin the bottle: Spin an empty bottle on the table and kiss the person it points to. Cluck! Crack a raw egg over your head. TSA: Let the table rummage around your backpack, purse, or bag for 30 seconds. Strut: Give your best runway walk. Soggy: Stand under the shower for 10 seconds with your clothes on. Circus: Attempt a handstand. Cross my heart: Whisper any secret to the person on your right. Yes-man: Agree to everything anyone says or tells you to do for the next minute. Makeover: Let someone style your hair and apply makeup. Arms day: Do 50 pushups, or as many as you can manage. Save a horse: Drop to all fours and let the player to your left ride on your back around the table. Drop ‘em: Pull down your pants and show everyone your underwear. Take a lap: Run around the block. Cornball: Improvise a short love poem for the player across from you. Maintain eye contact.

Truth Prompts

These prompt players to reveal something about themselves, whether it’s the last person they kissed or their most recent embarrassing purchase. As with dare prompts, a player can skip a truth block by chugging for 5 seconds, instead. Hot Seat: Each person at the table gets to ask the player 1 question. Take a sip if you don’t want to answer a question. Never Have I Ever: The player who drew the block kicks off a game of Never Have I Ever, with just 3 fingers. Little accident: When was the last time you wet the bed? Love-me-not: Who’s your secret crush? Severance: Have you ever been fired from a job? Why? Old flames: Do you still have feelings for any exes? Come clean: Fess up to a lie. Any lie. Hater: Name a popular movie, TV show, book, etc. that you despise, and explain why. Freaky Friday: If you could swap lives with anyone at the table for a day, who would you choose and why? Spooked: What’s your biggest fear? Lawless: What’s one thing you’d do if there were no consequences for it? Make up: What was your last apology for? Paranormal activity: Have you ever ghosted someone? When? Why? Pig sty: When was the last time you washed your bedsheets? Hall pass: Which celebrity would you put out for? Alert! What’s your biggest red flag? Nonpartisan: What’s your most controversial political opinion? Sky high: Are you, or would you like to be, a member of the mile high club? Nomad: Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever had sex? Open up: Would you ever consider an open relationship? Without a trace: Have you ever stood up a date? XOXO: Who was your last kiss? Show us the receipts: What was your last embarrassing purchase?

New Rules Prompts

These add tricky new rules to the game that everyone must remember, and keep everyone on their toes. They might require everyone to participate in the next truth block, or challenge every player to spin around 3 times with every block pulled. If a player ever doesn’t follow a rule, another player can call them out, and the rule-breaker then has to chug for 5 seconds. Reverse: Turn direction reverses. Single-handed: The player who drew this block may only use 1 hand for the rest of the game. Mute button: The player can’t speak for the rest of the game, even if another prompt tells them to. If they do, they drink. Off-center: The player can no longer remove middle pieces from the tower. Who turned out the lights? The next player takes their turn blindfolded. Do-over: The next player has to put a block from the top of the tower back into the tower. Take my hand: Hold hands with the player to your left for the rest of the game. Freeze! You can’t move until your next turn. If you do, take a shot. Not so fast: Take 2 more turns immediately. Sabotage: Tell the next player which block they must remove. Bring it in: You and the player to your right must hug for the rest of the game. Bottom feeder: The next player must take a block from the bottom 3 rows of the tower. Clairvoyant: Guess which person will knock down the tower, and guess 1 person who won’t—if either guess is correct, both people drink. Mustache: Draw a mustache on this block. Whoever draws it must hold it to their upper lip for the rest of the game. Merry-go-round: Every time a block is successfully pulled and placed atop the tower, every player must spin 3 times in place. DJ: Pick the music for the rest of the game.

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