Making a Guinea Pig Hutch
Plan the layout. Generally speaking, the bigger the hutch, the better. One guinea pig needs at least 7.5 square feet of cage space, but they should also have a cavy friend. Two pigs should have at least 10.5 square feet of room. Generally, add about 2-4 square feet for each additional guinea pig. It can also be designed to have two stories, one atop the other, to make more space. However, this will require a ramp, so if you plan on doing it, make sure that your guinea pig can climb the ramp first. Unlike many other small mammals, guinea pigs are not particularly athletic and may have trouble climbing a steep ramp. Note that guinea pigs should not be housed outdoors. They should be kept indoors in a 65–80 °F (18–27 °C) environment.
Collect your materials. The best hutches are made from good solid wood. Avoid cheap and flimsy plywood. You will additionally need wire mesh, wood staples, screws or nails, galvanized latches, and tools like an electric drill, hammer, screwdriver, tape measure, wire-cutters, and saw, and workspace for the assembly job. An large cupboard or cabinet can often be converted into an effective hutch. This will save you from having to buy all new materials and construct the frame yourself. Before you begin building, make a detailed blueprint to scale (with actual proportions). This will let you know exactly how much wood, nails, and other supplies you will need. If you aren't comfortable with do-it-yourself projects, you can buy guinea pig hutches at pet stores or online, pre-made or with easy to assemble parts, for between $100-$300. However, make sure the one you purchase meets the size requirements outlined earlier.
Build the frame. Start by doing your measurements and cutting. Depending on how big you want the hutch, you will need to have three separate lengths for the wooden pieces: one for length, one for width, and one for height. Your dimensions, for example, might be something like 30” x 60” x 15”. You will need at least 4 pieces of each size, and more if you want to construct individual frames for each of the hutch's six sides and an opening door. Measure the wood and double-check your measurements before you cut. With the electric drill, drill the attachment holes with a slightly smaller bit than your screw size and then insert the screw with the drill. Assemble the pieces. Assembly and construction can be challenging on your own. If you don't have experience with tools and design, pre-made frames can be purchased at pet stores or online.
Install the floor, walls, and roof. The hutch must have a solid floor and roof, made from either wood or plastic. While some people recommend using mesh for the floor, this can be dangerous for the animal and can easily lead to a broken leg, so it should be avoided at all costs. Instead, make the walls from wire mesh like chicken wire, cutting pieces to fit the frame and then affixing them with wood staples. Wooden floors unfortunately soak up urine. To prevent this, you can put something waterproof (like a tarp) underneath before a thick layer of bedding as long as the tarp doesn't stick out. Many guinea pigs will also gnaw at the floor or other exposed wood, so be prepared to do repairs.
Making a Guinea Pig Run
Sketch out blueprints. A guinea pig run is a more specialized structure for exercise, letting your animal roam about without the risk of it getting lost or escaping. It is basically a large mesh cage without a bottom, which you can place directly on the grass. Runs can be fairly large – 5 feet (1.5 m) on each side and one foot in height are fairly typical dimensions. You can build yours as a separate structure, but it is also possible to incorporate it into an existing hutch. In fact, the structure will be a lot like the hutch in its design. In its most basic form the run is a wooden frame with wire mesh sides. When making your run, make sure it has sturdy sides and a top! Guinea pigs playing unsupervised (even for just a couple minutes) can become easy prey for neighborhood cats or birds of prey.
Gather your materials. As with the hutch, you will need wood, screws, wire mesh, wood staples, a drill, and a saw. However, runs are designed to be lightweight, at least those that are portable, so that the wood will ideally be lighter and rather less solid than that used in the hutch. Like hutches, guinea pig runs can be found online or at some pet stores for between $50 and $100. Instructions will walk you through the assembly process.
Build the frame. As with the hutch, again, start by measuring and cutting the frame. The run is slightly more simple in that you really only need to construct a simple frame. There does not need to be a roof, floor, or even a door. Measure the wood per your blueprint specifications, double check the measurements, and make your cuts. Then, with the drill, drill your attachment holes and assemble the pieces.
Install the wire mesh. Cut the wire mesh once you have finished the frame. The mesh will need to cover each side of the run frame, at the least, and be secured with wood staples. You can also put mesh over the top of the run, though this is not strictly necessary. Guinea pigs like to jump (called “popcorning”), but there should be little danger of them escaping if you have made the run at least one foot high.
Making a Cube and Coroplast (C&C) Cage
Get your materials. Cube and Coroplast cages are probably the most popular type of cages for indoor guinea pigs. They are also easy to construct. To make one you will need storage cube grids, corrugated plastic called coroplast, and a box-cutter. These materials can be easily found and purchased at big-box stores like Costco, Target, or Kmart. Coroplast can also be found at sign stores (it is the material used to make many lawn signs). C&C Cages can also be purchased online at guineapigcages.com.
Connect the storage cube grids. Assemble the cube grids in a rectangle of the appropriate dimensions. Two guinea pigs should get a 2 x 4 grid space, 3 should get a 2 x 5 grid space, and 4 should get a 2 x 6 grid space. Take the plastic grid connectors (these are small plastic ties) and connect the grids so that they are tight. You can make the cage even more sturdy by using cable ties, which are available at most hardware stores.
Measure the inside of the enclosure. You will need these dimensions in order to cut the coroplast, which will sit inside of the storage cube grids. You can measure with string if you'd like. Then, add 6 inches to the length and width to find your “cutting dimensions.” When you cut and insert the coroplast, these extra inches will give you a six-inch internal wall all the way around the cage.
Measure, mark, and cut the coroplast to size. Use a tape measure and pen to measure and mark the coroplast. Then cut it with the box cutter. A pair of heavy duty or even regular scissors will work, as well. Remember, the piece of cut coroplast should be to the size of the enclosure plus 6 inches on all sides.
Mark and score the coroplast. Now you can start to make your enclosure walls. Measure and mark 6 inches in on all sides to create the inner dimensions. Use a box cutter or razor blade to score the coroplast along the lines you made, but don't cut all the way through. You can practice on a scrap piece first. It is also much easier to score with the grain of the coroplast rather than against it.
Make fitted corners. Cut in 6 inches each way at all four corners of the coroplast to create flaps. Doing so will allow you to snap up the edges and place the coroplast snugly inside of the enclosure. If you forget this step, it will not fit.
Snap the edges away and tape the flaps. Snap the edges of the coroplast upward from where you scored your lines to create your cage box. Then, tape the edges to make them more sturdy and secure. Make sure that you tape the outside, using two or more large strips of tape for extra strength.
Place the box inside the grid. You now have a basic C&C guinea pig cage. The next step is to find a suitable location for the cage and to finish the living space with bedding, a food bowl, and a water bottle. Choose a place where there is fairly high traffic. Guinea pigs are social animals and benefit from human contact. Find a place with natural light but one that is not in direct sunlight, and also avoid drafty areas.
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