How to Celebrate Christmas as a Christian
How to Celebrate Christmas as a Christian
Christmas is a blessed time for all Christians to get together and celebrate the birth of God’s son. If you’re looking to reconnect with the true meaning of Christmas, we’re here to help. This article will cover everything you need to know about celebrating the season with piety, humility, and joy. Read on to learn how to celebrate the holiday the right way.

Understand the date.

Remember that Jesus was not born on either December 25th. He wasn’t born on January 7th, either (which is when Eastern-Rite Christians celebrate Christmas). It's likely he was born in either September or the Spring. However, that doesn't mean that you can't celebrate His birthday on December 25th. Just keep this in mind in case anyone tries to put you down for celebrating a religious Christmas.

Observe Advent.

Start the season right by honoring the holy season of Advent. Buy or make a wreath with only branches, and no decorations in it. Place inside the four corners of the wreath, a candle. Three of the candles should be purple, and one of them pink. Light the first candle on the first Sunday of Advent; two candles on the second Sunday of Advent; etc. Light the pink candle on the third Sunday during Advent. This is all in anticipation of the Birth of the Messiah.

Sing seasonal songs.

Get everyone into the holiday season by singing together. Sing Advent songs, during Advent, such as "O Come Divine Messiah," "O Come O Come Emmanuel," etc.

Read the Nativity story.

Pick up one of the Gospels and read the story of Jesus’s birth. You could read it once on Christmas Eve, by yourself or aloud to your family, once a week in December, or every day in December! Do whatever makes it feel right for you.

Go to church.

This is a holiday meant to be celebrated with your community. Try to go to church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. If you have the time and ability, go both days! However, don't limit yourself to those days. Everyone's extra busy in December but try to make room at least twice more than usual to go to church. If you have children or are a child or teen yourself, also see if your church is doing a Christmas pageant.


Talk to the Lord and thank him for all that He has given you. If you're feeling stressed about gift buying or if the house will look perfect or if the food will be done on time, just take a few minutes. Breath, pray, and go back to what you were doing with a clear head.

Display a nativity scene.

This is a great way to set the tone for the holiday. Set it up wherever you like. On the mantel is popular, because it's a very prominent place. You can set it up all at once, or you can add everyone but baby Jesus, and only add him on Christmas Eve. Some people even put baby Jesus on the other side of the room and move him closer to the Nativity every evening, like a countdown, until he's in the manger on Christmas Eve.

Buy presents.

Gift giving is a phenomenal way to spread the seasonal cheer. Are you buying twelve presents for each of your children, plus $100 gifts for each aunt and uncle? Do you think this is showing the Christian's Christmas spirit? If not, try to tone it down. Let relatives know you won't be giving expensive gifts, or even any gifts if you chose, this year. Or you could suggest a drawing and everyone only buys one other person one present. For your children, perhaps include something religious in their gifts. Send a letter to Santa, suggesting that he leave a bible in each child's stockings.

Connect with your family.

Talk to your family about Christian values during this season. If you have older children or teens and haven't celebrated a very Christian Christmas before they aren't going to understand the change. Tell them and any other family members it may concern that you want to celebrate Christmas for Jesus. Explain why it's important to you in a calm fashion.

Say grace.

At the dinner table, pray before you eat. Thank Our Lord for this feast that you are about to eat, and to also thank Him for Coming into the world to be Our Savior.

Sing Christmas carols.

Choose religious songs instead of the typical, secular tunes. Not just Christmas "songs" such as "Frosty the Snowman," and/or "Jingle Bells," but, actual carols, such as "Silent Night," "Joy to the World," "What Child is This?" etc.

Give to others.

Either donate or volunteer with your favorite charity. Remember, Christ always taught that we are to love our neighbors and help them whenever we can.

Spread the love.

Love thy neighbor and be joyful. Christmas is a great time to demonstrate the Christian value of loving your neighbors. Be considerate of your neighbors during Christmas, offer help if they need it or be sociable with well wishes, a card or even a gift.

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