A Guide to Creating Life in Little Alchemy 1 & 2 (Plus Fun Secrets)
A Guide to Creating Life in Little Alchemy 1 & 2 (Plus Fun Secrets)
In Little Alchemy, you have one goal—create. This fun app is a world-building game that you can play on iPhone, Android, or your computer. In this wikiHow walkthrough, we’ll show you how to use the 4 base elements to make life in Little Alchemy 1 and 2. We'll also give you some awesome tips on making life forms, and show you some secret tricks along the way. If you’re ready to become all-powerful (at least in these games), then leap into this article and transform into a life-giving alchemist!
Things You Should Know
  • Combine "fire" and "air" to make "energy" in the original Little Alchemy, a component of "life".
  • Make "primordial soup" in Little Alchemy 2 to help you make "life".
  • Once you've finally created "life," mix it with different elements to conjure up new life forms.

Make Life in Little Alchemy 1

Combine “water” and “earth” to create mud. Drag the “water” icon onto the playing board, then place the “earth” icon right on top of the “earth” item. You’ve now created the “mud” option and have an essential—but messy—ingredient for creating life. If you’re just getting started, check out our intro guides on playing Little Alchemy and how to make stuff. Eventually, you’ll even be able to make Godzilla.

Combine “air” and “water” to create rain. Put the “air” icon onto the playing board, then drop the “water” icon over the “water” item. Almost like magic, you’ve suddenly conjured the “rain” option, a necessary element for growing greenery in Little Alchemy.

Combine “earth” and “rain” to create a plant. Drag the “earth” item onto the playing board. Now that you’ve conjured a little drizzle, drop the “rain” item onto the “earth” icon. Look at your amazing green thumb—you’ve now brought a “plant” option into existence.

Combine a “plant” and the “mud” to create a swamp. Plop a “mud” icon onto the playing board, then drop a “plant” item onto it. Look out, world—you’ve just created a thriving “swamp.”

Combine “air” and “fire” to create energy. Now it gets interesting—place an “air” icon onto the playing board, then put a “fire” item over it. Kaboom! You are a powerful being who’s a whiz at psychics because you’ve just pulled off the incredible feat of making "energy" out of 2 simple elements.

Combine a “swamp” and “energy” to finally create “life.” Ready for your final move? Drag a “swamp” icon onto the playing board, then drop an “energy” item on top of it. Let there be life! No, really, you just made “life” possible in Little Alchemy—good job.

Make Life in Little Alchemy 2 (Primordial Soup Method)

Combine “fire” and “earth” to make lava. Drag 1 “fire” icon onto the playing board, then drop an “earth” item onto it. Now you’ve gotten into the flow of things and whipped yourself up a “lava” option, which will definitely come up later.

Combine “lava” and “earth” to make a volcano. Drop the “lava” icon you’ve recently made onto the playing board, then place an “earth” item on top of it. Voilà—you’ve made your very own volcano.

Combine 2 “water” items to make a puddle. Place 1 “water” icon onto the playing board, then put another one on top of it. Now, look at you—you’ve gone and made a "puddle." Don’t clean it up though. You’re going to need it.

Combine 2 “puddle” items to make a pond. Put 1 “puddle” onto the playing board and drop yet another one right on top of it. Now, you’ve got a puddle to the power of two, which naturally means you’ve conjured up a “pond.”

Combine 2 “pond” items to make a lake. Drag 1 “pond” icon onto the playing board, then place an additional “pond” on top of it. You’re really expanding your reach—your little ponds just morphed into a whole “lake.”

Combine 2 “lake” items to make a sea. Drop 1 “lake” icon on the playing board, then put one more “lake” on top of it.

Combine “earth” and a “sea” to make primordial soup. Are you prepared to really stir things up? Excellent. Grab 1 “earth” and place it on the playing board. Then, drop a “sea” onto your “earth.” What have you got cooking? Why, “primordial soup,” of course. Isn’t the pure power of creation you have so delicious?

Combine “primordial soup” and a “volcano” to make life. Remember that “volcano” you made a while back? Well, place it onto the playing board, then drop your “primordial soup” on top of it. Now, that’s what you can call a recipe for success!

Make Life in Little Alchemy 2 (Lightning Method)

Combine 2 “water” items to create a puddle. You can’t create life in Little Alchemy 2 without rolling up your sleeves and getting a little wet. So, drag 1 “water” item onto the playing board, then drop another “water” on top of it. Perfect! Now you’ve got your very own “puddle.”

Combine 2 “puddle” items to create a pond. Pondering what else you can do to get one step closer to life in Little Alchemy 2? Well, place 1 “puddle” onto the playing board, then drop 1 more on top of it. Congratulations—you’ve conjured up a “pond.”

Combine 2 “pond” items to create a lake. Sensing a little bit of a theme here? Yep. You’re going to need some more H2O to get things cooking. Place 1 “pond” onto the playing board, then put yet another “pond” on top of it. Lovely! Now you own a whole “lake.”

Combine 2 “earth” items to create a plot of land. We’re going to make a shift now. Stop mucking around with the water for a bit and drop 1 “earth” onto the playing board. Go right ahead and place another “earth” on top of it. You’re practically royalty now because you’re a proud owner of “land.”

Combine “land” and “earth” to create a continent. They don’t call Little Alchemy 2 a world-building game for nothing. See for yourself—put 1 “land” on the playing board, then drop 1 “earth” on top of that. Eureka! You’re managed to make a whole new “continent.”

Combine 2 “continents” to create a planet. Did you think your reign of power was going to stop at 1 continent? Think again! Put 1 “continent” on the board, then place yet another “continent” on top of it. Are you trying to start an empire here? Well, whatever your plots are, you definitely made your own “planet.”

Combine “air” and 1 “planet” to create an atmosphere. Now, you’re really going to get the keys to creation. Put 1 “air” item onto the playing board, then drop 1 “planet” onto it. Do you smell that? It’s an “atmosphere,” which all your little life forms will need later.

Combine “air” and “water” to create mist. Did you think you put all that water behind you? Well, guess again. After you put 1 “air” item onto the playing board, put a “water” icon on top of it. No, that’s not your eyes watering—unless you’re really that inspired—that’s just some “mist” you made.

Combine an “atmosphere” and “mist” to create a cloud. Drop 1 “atmosphere” onto the board, then put 1 “mist” icon on top of it. Now, you’ve made a cute “cloud” basically out of thin air.

Combine 2 “fire” items to create energy. Get ready to turn things up a notch. Place 1 “fire” icon onto the board, then drop yet another “fire” item on top of it. In the heat of the moment, you just played with fire to create a go-to element for life—"energy."

Combine “earth” and “fire” to create lava. Time to get energized because you’re at the home stretch! Put 1 “energy” icon on the board, then drop 1 “fire” item on top of it. Well, that escalated quickly—now you’ve got a bunch of seething hot “lava.”

Combine “air” and “lava” to create stone. Put some cold “air” onto the playing board and drop some scorching “lava” right onto it. You’re a stone cold genius, and also, you’ve made a “stone”; hooray!

Combine “fire” and “stone” to create metal. Since you’re a fan of Little Alchemy 2, we know you like to experiment, even when it comes to handling a volatile element (just in-game, okay!). Be our guest—pick up that “fire,” place it on the playing board, and drop 1 “stone” on top of that. Now that’s metal. Seriously.

Combine “energy” and a “cloud” to create lightning. Almost there! Just place 1 “energy” icon onto the playing board, then drop 1 “cloud” onto it. In the wise words of the legendary Queen, thunderbolts and…lightning! Well done, you epic creator—you now have your hands on some sparkly "lightning". Zeus is shaking in his boots (or, more accurately, sandals) and is more than a tiny bit jealous.

Combine a “lake” and “lightning” to create life. We promised you all that hard work would pay off. Simply dump a “lake” icon onto the playing board, then drop a “lightning” item on top of it. While you’d think water and lightning makes a questionable combination, in Little Alchemy 2, it’s a match made in heaven. That’s right—you’ve now made “life”!

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