A Complete Guide to the Most Powerful Archangels
A Complete Guide to the Most Powerful Archangels
You’ve probably heard of famous Archangels like Gabriel and Uriel, but what are these angels’ specific powers, and when should you call on them? Archangels are the highest beings in the hierarchy of angels, and they can be powerful, positive forces in your life.[1]
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There are 12 notable Archangels that are associated with each of the Zodiac signs, and we’ll go over their unique traits, when to reach out to them, and how to connect with them. We’ll also cover other notable and powerful Archangels from the Bible and Jewish mythology that you can call upon for guidance, so keep reading!
Who are the most powerful archangels?

The 12 Archangels & Their Zodiac Connections

Archangel Ariel is known as the “The Lioness of God.” She is the Archangel of the natural world and serves as the overseer of plants, animals, and environmental causes. She also looks after your material needs in the physical world, such as money and shelter. Zodiac sign: Aries Tarot card: Strength When to call on the Archangel Ariel: Ariel can help you become more in sync with nature, and she can help you manifest your earthly desires, such as material wealth or success. Ariel can also help guide you if you want to pursue a career in ecology or environmental science. How to connect with Archangel Ariel: Use essential oils, such as palo santo, sage, or lavender, to strengthen your connection with Ariel. Dab one of these oils on your body like a perfume, or use a diffuser to fill your home with the scent. As you inhale the scent, close your eyes and think of the question or request you want to direct toward Ariel.

Archangel Chamuel is also known as “The One Who Sees God.” Chamuel fosters peace and harmony in human relationships, and his desire is to bring peace to the world. Tender and sympathetic, Archangel Chamuel is thought to embody God’s love and compassion. Zodiac sign: Taurus Tarot card: The Lovers When to call on the Archangel Chamuel: Reach out to Chamuel when you want to bring harmony to your personal relationships, or when you want to plead for peace in the world. If you’ve misplaced or lost something, Chamuel can also guide you on the right path to find it. How to connect with Archangel Chamuel: Find a quiet, peaceful place and light a candle. Sit near the candle and ask Archangel Chamuel to help you let go of any resentments you might be holding against loved ones and bring peace to your relationships.

Archangel Zadkiel is also called “The Righteousness of God.” He is known as the Archangel of mercy and forgiveness. He can help you let go of grudges you’re holding toward others, and he can also help you forgive yourself if you’ve made a mistake. Zodiac sign: Gemini Tarot card: The Chariot When to call the Archangel Zadkiel: If you’re having trouble forgiving someone in your life, or if you’ve made a mistake and can’t move past the guilt, ask Archangel Zadkiel to fill you with compassion and understanding for yourself and others. How to connect with Archangel Zadkiel: Repeat a positive affirmation or mantra to help you surrender and let go. Say something like, “I release past hurts and let go of the things I can’t control.”

Archangel Gabriel is known as the “Messenger of God.” You may remember the Archangel Gabriel from the famous Biblical story in which he informs Mary that she was pregnant with Jesus. Gabriel continues to carry messages from the divine to humankind, bringing wisdom, clarity, and understanding to those who are uncertain about their paths. Gabriel is also called the Strength of God, and he can embolden you with courage and fortitude in tough times. Zodiac sign: Cancer Tarot card: The Magician and Judgment When to call the Archangel Gabriel: If you are looking for a new beginning or fresh start but you don’t know how to go about it, reach out to Gabriel to ask for divine wisdom and strength. He will carry important messages to you to lead you on the right path. How to connect with Archangel Gabriel: Look out for unexplained waves of calm, sudden sparks of insight, or vivid dreams of an angelic figure. These may be signs from Gabriel. For example, if you’ve been worrying about something and dream about an angelic figure telling you not to fear, this may be Gabriel letting you know that everything will be okay.

Archangel Raziel is known as “Keeper of the Secrets of the Universe.” He’s certainly a mysterious and compelling figure! When you’re feeling lost or uncertain, Raziel can reveal important holy secrets to get you back on track. He brings divine wisdom and clarity when it comes to making tough decisions, and he can also help you let go of any painful memories or past traumas you might have. Zodiac sign: Leo Tarot card: The Hermit When to call the Archangel Raziel: If you’re at a crossroads in life and you’re feeling stuck, ask Archangel Raziel to reveal any important holy secrets you should know. You can also reach out to him if you need help releasing a painful or traumatic memory. How to connect with Archangel Raziel: Consider getting a tarot reading or performing one yourself. The cards can serve as a vessel for Raziel to reveal his mysterious secrets and wisdom.

Archangel Metatron is also known as the “Highest of Angels.” He is considered highest in the hierarchy of angels according to Jewish myths and legends. He is thought of as a great instigator of change, and he can help you transform your life for the better. Zodiac sign: Virgo Tarot card: The Fool When to call the Archangel Metatron: If you’ve been feeling stuck in life and you know you can achieve bigger and better things, consider calling out to Archangel Metatron. He can help motivate you to reach your highest potential and transform into the person you were meant to be. How to connect with Archangel Metatron: Metatron is known to communicate through angel numbers. Pay attention to any repeating number sequences you see, and look up their meanings to discern Metatron's message. For example, the angel number 555 means that a change is coming soon. If you see this number, Metatron might be telling you to get ready for a new beginning!

Archangel Jophiel is known as “Beauty of God” and the “Feng Shui Angel.” This is fitting, as her mission is to bring beauty to all areas of your life. Jophiel can help you tackle clutter and disorganization in order to build a peaceful and harmonious home. She can also help you clear out mental clutter or confusion, so that you can focus on thinking beautiful thoughts. Zodiac sign: Libra Tarot card: Temperance and The Star When to call the Archangel Jophiel: If you feel like your life has been super disorganized lately, reach out to Jophiel and ask her to help you create structure, order, and beauty in your mind and in your environment. How to connect with Archangel Jophiel: Wear yellow or light yellow candles to invite Jophiel’s healing, peaceful energy into your life. Think about any chaotic or disorganized situation that's bothering you in your life, close your eyes, and ask Jophiel to bring in some much-needed order.

Archangel Jeremiel is also known as “The Mercy of God.” Jeremiel urges you to look at your life and your past history in order to figure out the important lessons you’re supposed to learn. Understanding these lessons can help you become the person you’re truly meant to be, and Jeremiel wants to help you on this journey. He is also known for being the angel who helps recently departed souls review their time on earth and understand important lessons from the life they lived. Zodiac sign: Scorpio Tarot card: The Hanged Man and The Devil When to call the Archangel Jeremiel: If you’ve been feeling introspective and are looking for meaning in your history and past experiences, Jeremiel is the perfect Archangel to reach out to. He can help you gain insight from the things you’ve been through and apply this insight to create a better future. How to connect with Archangel Jeremiel: Journal about your past to help you learn from it. First, split the journal page down the middle. Write the life event on the right side, and then ask Jeremiel for help figuring out what you could learn from it. Once you’ve come up with the lesson you think you’re meant to learn, write it down on the left side of the page.

Archangel Raguel, known as “Friend of God,” is all about peace. He brings harmony and cooperation to relationships and social groups. Unbiased and impartial, Raguel banishes disagreements and encourages fairness in all situations. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius Tarot card: Justice and The Tower When to call the Archangel Raguel: If you’ve been dealing with discord or miscommunication in your family or friend group, reach out to Raguel to promote harmony. He can help you navigate disagreements and create a positive and balanced environment. How to connect with Archangel Raguel: Archangel Raguel is associated with the crystal aquamarine, which is said to create balance and harmony in your personal relationships. Consider getting an aquamarine crystal and placing it in your home or carrying it with you to connect with Raguel and experience these benefits.

Archangel Azrael is known as "Whom God Helps." He is sometimes also called the Angel of Death, as he helps souls cross over to the next realm when it’s time for them to depart this life. Azrael isn’t always associated with death, however. He's also the angel of endings in general, and he can help you transition more easily between different stages in life. Zodiac sign: Capricorn Tarot card: Death When to call the Archangel Azrael: If you’re going through a big transition in life, such as starting college, moving to a new city, or leaving your old job to start a new one, Azrael can help you accept the things that are ending in order to embrace the things that are beginning. He can also help you deal with grief if you’ve recently lost a loved one. How to connect with Archangel Azrael: Azrael is associated with the crystal yellow calcite, which is thought to bring self-confidence and hope. Place yellow calcite in your home or carry it with you to connect with Azrael and experience these benefits.

Archangel Uriel is also known as "The Light of God. Uriel is considered the angel of truth, and he is also associated with intellect, epiphanies, and creativity. He lights the way in the darkness, bringing divine insight to the people of the world. Zodiac sign: Aquarius Tarot card:The Sun When to call the Archangel Uriel: If you are in a rut and you’re looking for inspiration, Uriel is the perfect angel to call. He can bring in a spark of insight or creativity to propel you forward in whatever project you’re working on. How to connect with Archangel Uriel: Uriel is associated with the angel number 111, which is all about manifestation. If you've been seeing this number often, Uriel may be encouraging you to apply to that job you want or change your major in college to something you're passionate about. He's urging you to take a leap of faith and turn your dreams into realities!

Archangel Sandalphon is known as “Highest of Angels.” He is also believed to be the twin brother of Archangel Metatron. Sandalphon’s job is to deliver the prayers and messages of humankind to God. He is thought to have the power to connect with our thoughts and intuition in order to relay them to the divine realm. He’s also associated with music and musicians. Zodiac sign: Pisces Tarot card: The Wheel of Fortune When to call the Archangel Sandalphon: Sandalphon is thought to be the link between humankind and the spiritual realm, so anytime is a good time to contact him! If there’s something on your heart that you want to pray about, trust that Sandalphon will carry that message where it needs to go. How to connect with Archangel Sandalphon: Pay attention to any songs, melodies, or lyrics that get stuck in your head. Since Sandalphon is associated with music, these things could be specific messages from him.

Other Powerful Archangels From the Bible

Archangel Michael is also known as “He Who is Like God.” One of the only three Archangels mentioned by name in the Bible, he is considered the great protector who brings courage and strength to mankind. Michael is almost like a spiritual bodyguard, shielding you from negative energies and setbacks. Tarot card: The Emperor and The World When to call the Archangel Michael: If you feel like negative energies have been surrounding you, or if you’re worried that there are people in your life who are working against you, reach out to Michael for his protection. How to connect with Archangel Michael: Close your eyes and imagine Michael’s warm, golden light surrounding you like a shield. This invites his energy in and encases you in his protection.

Archangel Raphael is also called “He Who Heals.” Like Michael, Raphael is named specifically in the Bible. He bestows health and wellness on those who are in need and can facilitate healing for both physical ailments and mental health issues. Raphael is also known to help those in caregiving fields, such as doctors and nurses. Tarot card: The Hierophant When to call the Archangel Raphael: If you’re experiencing a health issue such as an injury, illness, mental health condition, or chronic pain, call out to Archangel Raphael for healing. How to connect with Archangel Raphael: Look out for Archangel Raphael’s signs to discern whether his healing presence is near. These include sparkles of green light and seeing angel numbers repeatedly. If you see these signs, take heart—Raphael may be sending his healing energy to calm your ailments.

Archangel Haniel is also known as “Grace of God.” She is an important figure in early Jewish and Christian mythology. As the archangel of Venus and the moon, she can help you strengthen your intuition and connect with your true self. Tarot card: The High Priestess and The Moon When to call the Archangel Haniel: If you’ve been hoping to awaken your latent psychic abilities or heighten your spiritual abilities, reach out to Archangel Haniel. How to connect with Archangel Haniel: Fill a jar with water, and set an intention for what you’d like to manifest. Place the jar outside under a full moon for the whole night, then use it however you like. You can dab it on your body like perfume, add it to your bathwater, or use it to wash your face.

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