Fun Lost Bet Games & Punishments
Choose from the funnest lost bet consequences for your wager. When you make a bet with friends, you want a punishment for the loser that increases the stakes in a fun and slightly uncomfortable way. Try one of these top-tier consequences to make your next friendly wager interesting. Stand at a busy intersection wearing a “Free Hugs” sign. Put a lifesize cutout of the winner in the loser's house. Draw a face on your hand and use it to talk for 30 minutes. Draw a mustache on your face with a marker. Only talk in song lyrics for an hour. Go outside and howl at the moon for 30 seconds. Wear swim goggles in public. Burp the alphabet. Dress like a pirate for the day…complete with a fake parrot on your shoulder. Perform a freestyle rap. Stand in the corner of an elevator facing the wall until 3 people get on. Talk like Yoda for the day. Recite the alphabet backward as fast as you can. Act like a mime for 5 minutes. Wear your underwear over your pants. Walk like a T-Rex all day. Do the worm 3 times in a row. Go outside and yell, “Don’t mess with Texas!” Unless you’re in Texas. Then yell, “I’m in a New York state of mind!” Run outside and yell, “I believe in fairies!” 3 times while skipping. Call a restaurant and try to make a reservation under the name of a celebrity. Wear a nametag that reads “I’m sexy, and I know it” on a night out.
Funny Lost Bet Games
Keep things light with a funny lost bet punishment. Laughter is a great way to build relationships with new people and strengthen bonds with your friends, family, and significant other. It can also help diffuse tension in disagreements. Use one of these funny punishments to keep your bets light and fun for everyone involved. Try to lick your elbow. Argue with the couch for 5 minutes. Stand in the backyard and yell at the top of your lungs, “Nooooo! I was adopted!” Wear your clothes inside out for a day. Pretend you’re a baby being born. Wear a wig for a day. Run errands while wearing your pajamas. Play air guitar to “Layla” in public. Carry a pet rock and talk to it. Act like a mime for 5 minutes. Pretend to be a news reporter and give a broadcast in public. Tell a story in a cowboy accent. Organize a flash mob to “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Walk an imaginary dog or cat in the park. Propose to a pet or stuffed animal. Call your significant other and only speak in baby talk. Create a lost pet poster for a stuffed animal. Post a photo that looks like you’re sitting on the toilet. Drink a shot of apple cider vinegar. Call a random person in your contact list and say, “I need help burying a body.”
Flirty Lost Bet Games
Suggesting a flirty punishment to dial up the heat. Issuing a playful challenge or friendly wager with someone you’re interested in is a great way to flirt. It’s exciting and fun…and completely harmless. Try using one of these slightly spicy consequences to make things fun and set up another time to meet. Write a love poem about the winner. List 5 things you like about the winner out loud. Ask someone to slow dance to a fast song. Let the winner put ice down your shirt. Do a sexy runway walk. Pole dance with an imaginary pole for 1 minute. Find the winner’s ticklish spot. Text the winner your dirtiest joke. Wear a bathing suit on their next date. Give the winner your best pickup line. Serenade the winner with your favorite love song. Lick hot sauce off of a spoon. Play a song that puts you in the mood. Sing an embarrassingly cheesy ballad in karaoke. Eat a hot dog seductively. Play suck and blow with the winner. Feed the winner a marshmallow using just your mouth. Sit on the winner’s lap for 5 minutes. Make out with an inanimate object. Kiss the winner.
Lost Bet Games for Couples
Make a bet with your partner that has fun consequences. Flirting isn’t just for people you’ve just met! When you’re already coupled up, flirting is a great way to maintain intimacy and make your partner feel loved. So, keep the spark of romance alive and well in your relationship with a bet that includes one of these fun consequences. Write the winner a love letter in 15 words or less. Only answer "yes" for the next hour. Be the winners' personal assistant for a day. Do an interpretive dance of your relationship. Make a fancy meal for the winner. The loser has to watch the winner's top 10 favorite movies. Call the winner’s mom and thank her for raising an amazing kid. Plan a surprise date night for the winner. Give the winner a shoulder massage. Create the weirdest online dating profile and use your real name. Wash the winner's car in a funny outfit. Pick up a random book and read it in the most seductive voice you can manage. Leave the winner daily love notes for a week. Give up social media for a week. Serve the winner breakfast in bed. Buy the winner a gift. Do laundry for a month. Let the winner choose your outfits for a week. Do a sexy dance for the winner. Wash and detail the winner’s car.
Lost Bet Games for Friends
Challenge your friends with a punishment that fits your friendship. When you’re making a bet with friends, chances are it’s about something you’re both interested in. But no matter what it is, the consequences should match the vibe of your friendship. Check these lost bet games to see if any are a good fit. Sing the most-played song on your Spotify wrapped for last year. Speak in a French accent for 10 minutes. Ask your neighbor if you can borrow 25 cents. Show everyone the last photo you took. Act out a scene in your favorite movie. Write a breakup message and send it to a random number. Take an embarrassing selfie and post it. Carry around a clipboard and ask people random questions. Post a random ultrasound scan on social media. Do an interpretive dance to “The Thunder Rolls” by Garth Brooks. Wear a tie as a headband for a day. Give a villain speech. Pretend to mow your lawn with an invisible mower. Do a TikTok dance. Send the winner the most embarrassing photo in your camera roll. Run around your car at a stoplight. Act like a chicken for 5 minutes in your front yard. Call the 3rd person on your recent calls log and only talk to them using the lyrics to a song. Do as many squats as you can on the front lawn. Wear an opponent's favorite team's jersey for a week.
Lost Bet Games for Adults
Choose more challenging or complicated lost bet games for adults. When making a bet with an adult, you can usually pick challenging or complicated consequences without harming them physically or emotionally. Just make sure you choose something they’re capable of doing. Check out the list below for some ideas. Text a random emoji to the first 20 people on your contact list. Do the water bottle flipping challenge. Pick exactly 40 blades of grass with a pair of tweezers. Moonwalk out the door every time you leave a room for a day. Order food while speaking in rhymes. Suck your big toe. Pluck a single nose hair. Call your parents and tell them you’re in jail. Peel a banana with your feet. Go up to 5 people on the street and ask them for a high-five. Let someone wax your back. Sing everything you say for 10 minutes. Walk down the street in your underwear. Pretend to ride a horse every time you walk from your house to your car for a week. Do the cinnamon challenge. Propose to a random person on the street. Update your relationship status to “engaged” on Facebook. Eat a bowl of pudding without using your hands. Text a random number and ask them to send you money. Approach a random stranger and ask if you can buy their shirt.
Lost Bet Games for Kids
Keep lost bet games fun and easy for younger folks. Kids need lost bet games that match their age and abilities. For example, a kid under 12 is going to require less abstract games than a teenager. Choose a lost bet game for your kid’s age group from the list below. Pretend to be a dog or cat for 5 minutes. Wear socks on your hands for 10 minutes. Take a shower with your clothes on. Sniff someone’s shoes. Brush your teeth with ketchup or mustard. Eat something without using your hands. Take a drink of pickle juice. Bite into a lemon. Prank call a friend. Spin around 10 times, then walk across the room. Wrap yourself like a mummy in toilet paper and post a photo of it. Hop on one foot for 30 seconds. Do your best impression of Shrek. Act and talk like a robot for 2 minutes. Crab walk across the living room. Do 10 pushups. Smell the winner’s armpit. Let someone draw a Sharpie tattoo on your arm. Hold your nose while talking for 1 minute. Jump rope for 2 minutes.
How To Come Up With a Good Punishment for a Lost Bet
Choose a consequence that’s slightly embarrassing but mostly harmless. The idea behind these types of bets is to have fun and up the stakes a little on disagreements or competitions that aren’t too serious. For that reason, a lost bet game should never cause permanent or serious harm to someone. Try to decide on something between the people taking part in the bet that would be funny and memorable but not humiliating. Here are a few other guidelines for coming up with a lost bet game: Always choose a punishment you’d be willing to take if you lost. Pick a punishment that’s not permanent. Choose safe consequences that won’t cause physical harm or serious discomfort. Avoid lost bet games that would affect someone’s job or school career. Don’t choose anything illegal or dangerous.
How to Make a Friendly Bet
Clearly set acceptable terms, stakes, and timeline. The best way to make a friendly wager is to make sure the terms are clear, specific, and agreeable to everyone taking part. That way, you can iron out all the details and make sure the punishment fits the bet from the very start. Set a clear timeline for the bet and the consequences of losing so it’s easier for everyone to see who lost. It also helps the person who lost the bet know when they should perform the lost bet game. It’s especially important to respect boundaries if you’re flirting with a crush. Dating coach Laura Bilotta recommends keeping the focus on being fun and playful instead of embarrassing or risky. When you’re setting the terms of the bet, try to keep it light and fun so everyone—even the person who loses—has fun.
How to Deal with Losing a Bet
Accept the consequences with good humor. It’s not fun to lose a bet, even when it’s a good-natured one. If you do lose a friendly wager, you might be tempted to laugh it off and not follow through. However, when you make a bet with someone, it’s like a promise. When you don’t follow through on that promise, it can make you seem less trustworthy, even if it’s lighthearted. A lack of trust can prevent you from getting close to someone or damage a healthy relationship. When you make a bet, don’t agree to anything you don’t think you’ll be willing to follow through on, even if you’re sure you’ll win the bet. If you do lose, have a good sense of humor about your lost bet game, and try not to take yourself too seriously.
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