10 Essential Qualities of a Libra Man’s Dream Woman
10 Essential Qualities of a Libra Man’s Dream Woman
If you're interested in that attractive and intelligent Libra man, no one would blame you! Classy and charming, he's got what it takes to turn heads—but can you turn his? We talked to astrologer Angel Eyedealism to find out what kind of woman Libra men like and how you can attract his attention. Read on to learn which traits this ambitious air sign adores.
The Libra Man\'s Ideal Woman

What He Looks For

Elegance and refinement A Libra guy notices style and elegance immediately. This is the way to get him to look your way—a classic, put-together, refined style that exudes quality and poise (think old Hollywood glamour). He's generally not one for trendy fashionistas, instead looking for a more conservatively dressed, classic type that would never go out of style. Libra guys aren't typically interested in women who put themselves all out there—either when it comes to their clothes or their personality. Keep a little held back and he'll be curious to learn more. Astrologer Angel Eyedealism emphasizes that because Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, "you definitely... want to appeal to [his] sense of aesthetics."

Intelligence and wit As an air sign, a Libra guy wants a mental connection first. Libra guys are typically into smart women who can make great conversation. He's looking for someone who thinks deeply and is willing to consider all the angles. If you're charming and quick with a witty one-liner, all the better! Astrologer Angel Eyedealism notes that "he wants a woman that is refined and intellectual, because he's an intellectual."

Diplomacy and calm Symbolized by the scales, Libra values balance and harmony. Since this is one of his core values, it only makes sense that he would be attracted to women who are calm and even-handed. He values compromise and collaboration over competition and looks for a partner who can put her own interests aside and work with him to find what's best for the two of them as a couple. Astrologer Angel Eyedealism emphasizes that these guys are "constantly trying to balance things."

Sociability and charisma Libra men gravitate toward women who love to be around people. Your average Libra guy is a bit of a social butterfly and, when it comes to relationships, he likes to spend a lot of time with his lady. So it's understandable that he likes a woman who has an active social life and can fit in with a variety of different groups. He prefers to be around the kind of woman who knows how to navigate the social scene and feels in her element when she's out and about. Even though he enjoys hanging out in many different social settings, astrologer Angel Eyedealism cautions that "you definitely want to be not rude or gross around a Libra man." So even if you're hanging out at a dive bar, keep yourself above the fray and avoid indulging in gutter humor.

Romanticism and thoughtfulness Ruled by Venus, Libra men take romantic love to new heights. He may seem smooth and refined on the outside, but on the inside, he's a huge softy who loves to show his lady just how much he cares for her. He prefers meaningful gestures that he can tell you put thought into, so go ahead and plan that surprise rooftop candlelit dinner for two with catering from this favorite restaurant. For this reason, Libra guys tend to get along well with Leo ladies, both of whom are hopeless romantics yearning for that storybook "happily ever after."

Health and active lifestyle Libra guys look for women who take care of themselves. He's a bit of a perfectionist and that extends to his health as well. He looks after himself and expects any woman he's with to do the same. While he may not be the most athletic guy, he is fairly active and isn't going to be interested in a woman who can't keep up with him! If you have flawless skin with a bright, healthy glow, you'll definitely catch the eye of any Libra guy.

Femininity and stylishness Libra's ideal lady knows how to accentuate her curves. Libra rules the lower back and the hips, so it stands to reason that Libra men are going to be all about that booty. The classically curvaceous woman is sure to get a second, third, and fourth glance from him. When it comes to the female body, the Libra man is all about the curves. A simple form-fitting dress that hugs you in all the right places will definitely send him swooning.

Confidence and curiosity A Libra guy likes to be with a strong, independent woman. He appreciates a woman who has her own thing going on and doesn't need a man to take care of her. He's a fan of ambition and professionalism and expects his ideal woman to be sure of herself and ready to take over the world. At the same time, he prefers women who are open-minded and interested in learning how things work. Display your curiosity by asking him open-ended questions about his life and experiences. Then, you can ask follow-up questions so he knows you're really interested in what's going on with him.

Patience and loyalty Libra's quest for perfection makes him hard to pin down. It's not that he doesn't love you—he just has a hard time making a final decision. It can take him a while to commit because, well, he has to be sure that he's found the best possible match. Showing him that you're true to him and willing to wait could help him come around sooner. Astrologer Angel Eyedealism notes that "Libras flip flop, so when they're in a relationship... they want to be out of one and when they're out of one, all they think about is being in them." If you're patient with him, it shows him that you respect him, understand his needs, and believe he's worth the wait. That means a lot to him. Rest assured that when he does commit, a Libra guy will be as loving and attentive as they come. Once he makes his move, he goes all in.

Creativity and culture Libra guys can often be found at museums and concerts. Blame Venus, if you like, for his appreciation of beauty—the Libra man has a creative mind and appreciates artistry in all its forms. His tastes typically tend towards the high-brow, but he's also adept at finding the beauty in lesser-known creations. He appreciates a woman who can chat with ease about the art he adores—and he'll love you even more if you're also a creator yourself. Another way to attract a Libra man is to introduce him to a wonderful artist or musician off the beaten path who he might not have heard of yet.

Dating a Libra Man

Choose a classy restaurant or museum for your first date. The typical Libra guy is not one to "Netflix and chill"—he wants to hit the town. If you really want to impress him, look for a hot ticket, like a special exhibition or a famous chef's newest eatery. He likes to see and be seen, so go for a place he'll be proud to be at. If you don't know him well and you're not sure what he's into, just ask! As an air sign, he's never going to turn down a great conversation, especially if it's about things that he likes.

Dress to the nines to show him how much you value him. Libra men are all about elegance and beauty, so it's a nice touch to make sure you're always the picture of grace and poise when you go out on dates. But more than that, dressing nicely for him shows that you respect and value his time. You want to look good for him and your effort will always be appreciated by your lovable Libra. This doesn't mean that you necessarily have to dress up all the time—you definitely want to be appropriate to the occasion. But at the same time, make sure whatever you wear is clean, pressed, and fits you well. Never miss an opportunity to show off those gorgeous curves.

Libra Man in Love

You'll feel like the center of the universe. Once you've captured a Libra man's heart, he'll go out of his way to let you know just how special he thinks you are. It can take him some time to make up his mind, so you'd best believe that once he commits to you, he's committed heart and soul. When a Libra guy's in love, he always wants to do things for you to show you how much he cares. This can range from running the smallest errand to cooking you dinner or even helping you with a home improvement project.

He'll pour on the romance. Libra is ruled by Venus, and with a Libra man in love, you'd never forget this fact. Whether you're out on a date or cuddling in bed, he knows how to be tender and sensual. He has a reputation for being good in the sack, and his emphasis on romance is a big part of that. He's never a selfish lover and will do everything he can to make sure you're not only satisfied but ecstatic. Libra men are fond of big romantic gestures too. He's not afraid to let the world know how he feels about you and how wonderful you are. He wants to be in the kind of couple that makes others a little jealous.

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