A purported “comedy” skit by an Indian content creator who made a video in China is getting slammed for being “insensitive and racist.” In the clip, Jaspreet Kaur Dyora, who makes travel videos and comedic skits, walks around a Chinese market while sharing her observations. Throughout the video, she passes comments on locals in Hindi. She starts her video by saying that if the Chinese can give the world coronavirus then she can give them “trauma”. Further, she says things like Chinese people have made tall buildings but their height remains short. She speaks to a food vendor and asks, “Mam, which animal did you slaughter today?”
At one point, Jaspreet Kaur Dyora approaches a man who is standing under a highway and asks him “Hello brother, this bridge won’t fall, right? I’m asking because it’s made in China, so I don’t want to be crushed under it. Safety first.” Taking her antics one step further, she talks to a woman and implies that she is wearing a fake Gucci bag which is also found in Delhi’s Sarojini Nagar market. The content creator goes to a police officer on duty and salutes him with the chant “Jai Hind”. Jaspreet Kaur Dyora titled this video, “Afraiding social anxiety from Chandini Chowk to China.”
This behaviour of targeting the Chinese with stereotypes and disturbing the locals did not sit well with many. In the comments, people called out her obnoxious behaviour. An Instagram user wrote, “This makes me sad to see this type of content. There is a thin line between being funny and disrespectful. This might get you lots of engagement for sure but won’t last long as a person. They are the sweetest people. Sorry from India.”
Someone else wrote, “There’s a difference between being rude and being funny, it’s totally rude.” Expressing a similar opinion, another person remarked, “You are representing our nation when you are in a foreign land, so have some dignity and respect others.” An Instagram user described the video as, “Not cool at all!” “This is so arrogant and ignorant,” said another.
A few people even argued that because of disrespectful tourists, the visas of other Indians are rejected. Making this point the Instagram user opined, “All countries are going to make visas compulsory for Indians due to their actions.”
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