In an unexpected twist, a couple from Pennsylvania, USA, faced a peculiar situation when their usually well-behaved 7-year-old Goldendoodle, Cecil, decided to chew through $4000 (approximately Rs 3 Lakh), left temporarily on their kitchen counter. Clayton Law discovered the shredded bills scattered across the floor within just 30 minutes. Despite the mishap, the couple managed to salvage around $1,500 (approximately Rs 1 Lakh) from the torn bills left on the floor and recovered an additional $250 (approximately Rs 20,000) from Cecil’s vomit.
However, retrieving the remaining cash required Clayton to don protective gear and collect the shredded pieces from the dog’s waste in the backyard. After two days of thorough cleaning, washing, and painstakingly piecing together the torn bills, they successfully recovered a total of about $3,550 (approximately Rs 2.9 Lakh).
In a conversation with Pittsburgh City Paper, Carrie recalled, “This dog, I swear to God, has never touched anything in his life. I used to go to Salem’s and bring home a salad with lamb on it and leave it sitting out and he wouldn’t even touch it. Suddenly Clayton yelled to me, ‘Cecil’s eating $4000,’ I thought, ‘I cannot be hearing that.’ I almost had a heart attack. We realized we were going to have to wait until he expelled this. There we are at the utility sink, washing this shitty money, yelling ‘Yay. Yes. We got one.’ It smelled so bad.”
A post shared by Carrie Law (@ooolalaw)
Carrie and Clayton Law’s tiring efforts of going through their dog’s waste paid off. Almost all of the lost amount was recovered and joined back together by the couple. As per reports, Carrie shared that according to the bank, this kind of incident happens and there are procedures to recover the amount. Surprisingly, if a bill has intact serial numbers and can be accurately reconstructed, the bank accepts it and exchanges it for a new note. Carrie mentioned that despite the mishap, they only lost around $450 (approximately Rs 37,000).
The distressed couple initially took advice from Cecil’s vet to know if the dog required any medical attention. Fortunately, as per the Washington Post’s report, due to Cecil’s size, the doctor recommended just monitoring him at home. As per Carrie, if they had a smaller dog, the situation might have been more severe. Showing a mix of concern and humour about the incident, the couple even created a video compilation using the photos they had taken of their dog’s costly meal. They then proceeded to share the video on their Instagram account, offering a glimpse into their unexpected situation.
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