The 2023 study has uncovered some surprising names on the list of worst states to live and work in.
The United States of America is known for providing excellent public facilities and opportunities, but it is important to recognize that certain areas require improvement. Each year, CNBC conducts a comprehensive study to rank the various states based on crucial factors such as access to public amenities, healthcare services and other facilities. The 2023 study has uncovered some surprising names on the list of worst states to live and work in.
- Texas faces several notable weaknesses. The state has the highest percentage of people without health insurance, leaving a significant portion of the population at risk. Texas ranks thirteenth in terms of crime rates. The state has also been criticised for laws that target the LGBTQ+ community and voting rights restrictions.
- Oklahoma faces challenges in areas such as drug abuse and the lack of health insurance coverage, but there is a bright side when it comes to air quality. The state has maintained good air quality, which is crucial for promoting a healthy environment for its residents.
- Louisiana lacks behind when it comes to providing quality childcare facilities for its population. The limited licensed childcare centres, with only 76 available for a population of 4.6 million, place the state at the bottom of the list among all US states. Local authorities have taken steps to tackle the issue by sanctioning $44 million to improve the accessibility and quality of childcare services in the state.
- With the nation’s fifth highest rate of occupational deaths,workplace safety could be an issue for people thinking about moving to South Carolina. The state’s high rate of occupational deaths, ranking fifth nationally, raises concerns about workplace safety and the well-being of workers. Meanwhile, South Carolina’s high crime rate adds more concerns surrounding safety.
- Alabama faces challenges in terms of health and voting accessibility, making it one of the unhealthiest states in the US. The limited worker protections in Alabama also raise concerns for employees in the state. Amidst these challenges, however, the state does have a positive side— it ranks among the top states in terms of air quality, providing its residents with cleaner and healthier environments.
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